Am trying to upgrade AEM 6.0 with SP1 to Java8 and having problems with it. Wondering if anyone have upgraded to Java8 on AEM 6.0 SP1.
One of my bundle is not started and am seeing the below issues on the bundle.
com.sun.javadoc -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation
com.sun.msv.datatype -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation
com.sun.msv.datatype.xsd -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
junit.framework -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
junit.textui -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
net.sf.cglib.proxy -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
nu.xom -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.apache.crimson.jaxp -- Cannot be resolved but is not required -- Cannot be resolved but is not required -- Cannot be resolved but is not required -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.apache.xml.resolver -- Cannot be resolved but is not required -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.gjt.xpp -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.hibernate.cache -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jaxen -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jaxen.dom4j -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jaxen.pattern -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jaxen.saxpath -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jdom -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.jdom.input -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.joda.time,version=[2.9,3) -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.joda.time.format,version=[2.9,3) -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.math -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.openxmlformats.schemas.schemaLibrary.x2006.main -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.relaxng.datatype -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.springframework.util,version=[3.1,4) -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.xmlpull.mxp1 -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
org.xmlpull.v1 -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
schemasMicrosoftComOfficePowerpoint -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
schemasMicrosoftComOfficeWord -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
spiffy.core.util -- Cannot be resolved but is not required
sun.misc -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation
sun.reflect -- Cannot be resolved but is not required and overwritten by Boot Delegation
Below are some of maven version
Any help/pointers is much appreciated!
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Thanks all who looked into this and helped me with tips. Below is what I figured out with Adobe
Seems like Java 8 is officially supported but with special installation. Installing SP1 via package manager is not sufficient to include Java 8 support.
Perform the following steps to install an initial AEM 6.0 instance with the Service Pack. This method is required to install AEM with a Java 8 VM:
1. Login to Package Share and download the Service Pack 1 ZIP to your local file system
2. Unpack the Quickstart using the java -jar *.jar -unpack command.
3. Create the install directory in crx-quickstart.
4. Copy the Service Pack package in the install folder.
5. Start the Quickstart.
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Seems like versions problem.
You can always check if a package exists in AEM by using the AEM dependency finder: http://localhost:4502/system/console/depfinder
Also refer to this answer:- Re: Maven Dependencies
// This means that these packages are not in the AEM OSGi service container. These missing packages need to be included into AEM.
Place the JAR(s) that contain these packages into an OSGi bundle and deploy to AEM.
another reference post to read:-
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Back in AEM 6 - not even sure Java 8 was supported. Checking docs. Those missing libs are part of AEM - therefore no need to add them. If you change your JDK to 7 - it works right?
Also - AEM 6.0 is very old and not supported by Adobe anymore- Most of the community is on a much newer AEM version.
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Yes, if I change JDK to 7 it works. But the strange thing is AEM 6.0 with SP1 and Java 8 worked fine in our mac OS local machines.
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The AEm 6 version just started using JDK 8. It supports it much better in later versions. For that version, I used JDK 7 for much better stability.
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Thanks all who looked into this and helped me with tips. Below is what I figured out with Adobe
Seems like Java 8 is officially supported but with special installation. Installing SP1 via package manager is not sufficient to include Java 8 support.
Perform the following steps to install an initial AEM 6.0 instance with the Service Pack. This method is required to install AEM with a Java 8 VM:
1. Login to Package Share and download the Service Pack 1 ZIP to your local file system
2. Unpack the Quickstart using the java -jar *.jar -unpack command.
3. Create the install directory in crx-quickstart.
4. Copy the Service Pack package in the install folder.
5. Start the Quickstart.
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I am happy to hear you got it working.
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