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Unable to move experience fragments from one folder to other in AEM author


Level 2


I have experience fragments created under ''/content/experience-fragments/myproject/myfolder1/experience-fragment-1''.

When I try to move (from sites UI, not from crxde) to location '/content/experience-fragments/myproject/myfolder2' , i get following error

/content/experience-fragments/myproject/myfolder1/experience-fragment-1 (Experience Fragment Template) not allowed below /content/experience-fragments/myproject/myfolder2/experience-fragment-1

Any thoughts on this?

14 Replies


Level 7


probably you have some allowedPaths or allowedTemplate property into the template used for myfolder1.

Try to check into the property in the template used for myfolder1 if you have some properties like the image below:

Screen Shot 2019-09-04 at 17.20.22.png

Let us know.

In order to test if it's related to this properties you can try to delete it temporary and test the move of your fragment.




Level 2

Hi Antonio,

Thank you for the response. I have folder as sling:OrderedFolder (jcr:primaryType).

And i have only 'allowedPaths' in template mapping to value '/content/experience-fragments/myproject(/.*)?'

Still i am not sure about this issue


Employee Advisor

I believe Antonio is right, try setting up "allowedTemplate" to * and retry the use-case


Level 2

Hi Jaideep,

I tried all that, still i have same issue


Level 1

Hi @antoniom5495929 ,

How can we include the cq:allowedTemplate property in the code rather than updating the properties on experience fragment folder everytime.





You can also check the node type for /content/experience-fragments/myproject/myfolder2. Folders should use sling:OrderedFolder jcr:primaryType.


Level 1

Hi sd55,

Did you resolve the issue? I met with the exactly same issue with you.  And I didn't have "allowedTemplate" and "allowedPaths"


Level 4

I guess the Move operation is tightly coupled with default experience fragment components, try to add "/libs/cq/experience-fragments/components/experiencefragment/template" in Configure Experience Fragments settings along with your project template entry.

It works for me.


Screenshot 2020-04-23 at 2.53.25 PM.png



Level 1

Works, thank you. sanketk90166544

Hi @Sanket_Kumbharkhane ,   I have tried to do the same you have shown in the image, but it not allow me to move XF into other subfolders?  I also don't have any allowedTemplates and allowedPaths in any parent-child folder.     I want to move Source path:  /content/experience-fragments/myproject/frag1/footer to destination path: /content/experience-fragments/myproject/frag1/nav

And right now it is moving to /content/experience-fragments instead of my destination path


can you please help?


Thanks in advance!


Nikita M.


Level 1

Observed, the orderedFolder has the issues to move XF in between, while non OrderFolder (nt:folder and else) are allowed to move XF.

I am able to move nt:folder XF to orderFolder, but not orderedFolder to orderedFolder.

Can anyone help me to resolve this?

It's works for me too, thank you !! @Sanket_Kumbharkhane 


Level 3

This worked for me on ... I just added it to the root of my XF content folders.


Level 1

I have the exact same Problem.

I can move a FE to the Root node. But i can't move it to some subfolder.


Did someone find a Solution?



I just found out if i add to every subfolder the Property cq:allowedTemplates with the correct templates it works.

So there must be a problem with the inheritance.