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Unable to connect to any backend in farm publishfarm


Level 4

Hi Team, 


Hope you are well.


Currently we are facing "Unable to connect to any backend in farm publishfarm". 

We are using AEM as cloud service and for dispatcher we are using docker image.

Our publish instance run on 4503, we have tried with all ways like changing the dispatcher version, AEM SDK etc.

Screenshot from 2022-11-18 11-11-54.png


Thanks in advance



6 Replies


Community Advisor

HI @bhagchand 
Try to clear the cache by login to docker terminal and restart it.
Just for trouble shooting, try to start a new publisher instance with new port and run it in the docker, if still it doesn't work then issue is with the docker.


Level 4

Hi Tarun,


Thanks for the solution, I have try with this solution but not resolve the issue.

Can you please provide any other way.




Level 5

Did you find a resolution to this?


Level 4

not yet


Level 5

I haven't either- it's incredibly annoying as it makes local dispatcher development impossible


Level 4

If docker way not working to your local environment, why don't you try to use iis if you uses Windows.
