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Unable to add tabindex in anchor tag using RTE


Level 5

Hi All,

I came to a scenario where I need to create an anchor tag without href attribute using RTE component. I am able to create anchor tag using HTML option in RTE, but the thing is that anchor tag is getting skipped by tab index and never focused. Then I tried adding attribute tabindex=0 so that that anchor tag get focus, but that tabindex=0 attribute is not getting persist in html. Any idea why it is not allowed and how I can fix this in RTE? Thank you in advance!



I am adding below syntax in HTML of RTE  

<a tabindex=0 class="new-class">click here</a>


In DOM the HTML element I am seeing this

<a class="new-class">click here</a>


Expected rendition

    <a tabindex=0 class="new-class">click here</a>

5 Replies


Community Advisor

Can you please check antisamy rules at /libs/cq/xssprotection/config.xml?
Search for 'tabindex'

Also check in case if you have overlay of this file under /apps.




Level 5

@Shubham_borole I uncommented the code for tabindex and tried after that but no luck.


Community Advisor

Can you also try restarting the instance? if its worth it


Level 5

I did but no luck. No change in behavior. 


Community Advisor

Hi @RashidJorvee 


Cant you just add a "#" as link for the anchor tag?



Kiran Vedantam.