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templates and components issue while upgrade from AEM 6.1 to 6.5


Level 3

Hi every one

I have doing a project migrate a content from AEM 6.1 to 6.5.  According to best practice we have moved the libraries from etc to apps, but we meet some issue, we cannot find the templates created at 6.1, and we and cannot find the component when edit the old content page at edit mode. 

any one meet this issue?

thank you!

20 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @josieqqiu 

Please check the upgrade.log to make sure the upgrade was success and there was no issue after upgrade.

Refer the below article to identify the post upgrade checks:






Level 3
@Asutosh_Jena_ that make sure the system is 6.5, for we just install AEM 6.5 at local and then install the migration content package at local. and move the libraries to apps and deploy to the AEM6.5


Level 3

the old content is look good and can publish to the publish server, that mean this old content pages can find the component at 6.5, but when you want create a new page, you will find no template can be selected
thanks !


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu If the templates are not visible to create new page, please ensure that you have the cq:allowedTemplates are configured with the new path referencing to /conf.
I believe you have already migrated from static to editable template.





Level 3

@Asutosh_Jena_our template is static , and will not be change to editable template. I just cannot select these templates when I create a new contentPage, thank you !


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu Can you see your template added into the cq:allowedTemplates path? If it;s not allowed you will not be able to see to create new pages.


Level 3
hi I cannot see that, before move libraries this template can find when create content page, but after move this templates cannot see


Level 3
under conf folder I need to add this static templats to cq:allowedTemplates?


Level 3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0" xmlns:cq="http://www.day.com/jcr/cq/1.0" xmlns:jcr="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0" xmlns:nt="http://www.jcp.org/jcr/nt/1.0" jcr:primaryType="cq:Template" jcr:title="RWD Generic Page with Key Visual" allowedPaths="[/content/xxx/abc(/.*)?]"> <jcr:content cq:designPath="/apps/abc/clientlibs/pws/common/rwd-templates/rwd-genericPage-withKeyVisual" cq:deviceGroup="[mobile/groups/responsive]" jcr:primaryType="cq:PageContent" sling:resourceType="/apps/abc/pws/common/components/structure/rwd-genericPage"> <keyVisual jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="foundation/components/parsys"/> <Content jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="foundation/components/parsys"/> </jcr:content> </jcr:root>


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu I see the allowedPath property is set to 

allowedPaths="[/content/xxx/abc(/.*)?]" which will allow the template to be available only under /content/xxx/abc.

It is better to use the cq:allowedTemplates property which can be added directly on the root page jcr:content node under which you wanto your template to be available or you can open the root page and go to the page properties section under "Advanced" tab you will find the Template setting where you can allow the static template to be available. Just configure the path of your template from apps folder and it will appear in the page creation wizard.









Level 3

yes big thx! can see templatelist now


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu You welcome!


Level 3

@asutosh_j3 components still cannot seach at contentpage, can you help to see it? so kindly of you!


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu Are you trying to say you are not able to see your components which all are part of your component group? 
If that is what you meant then you will need to go to design mode of the page and then enable the component group to see the components available on the parsys. Please note that the design mode is only available for the static template in AEM 6.5 and it will not be avaialble for editable template as it will be managed by template policy.


Please refer the adobe link here:



Hope this helps!


Level 3

@josieqqiu got your mean, but we are using the static template, but cannot search the component, still not know where setting due to this


Community Advisor

@josieqqiu The above response is for static template only
you will need to go to design mode of the page and then enable the component group to see the components available on the parsys.


Please refer this link:




Level 3

let me try, so kindly of you



Level 3

yes, your are correct big thx! you are so kind!!!!


Level 3

but one thing is really: before libraries is put at etc, these component can search at contentpage , after move to apps , the component cannot search. 


Level 3
@Asutosh_Jena_ above is my code ,see it right arcording to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/platform/templates/page-tem... but I cannot select this template when create contentPage at /content/xxx/abc