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Tags are missing after product pages generation during catalog creation process


Level 3


I imported all products to /etc/commerce/products/myCatalog and created a product catalog blueprint at /content/catalogs/myCatalog. After the catalog creation (rollout to a live copy) all product pages were created as expected, but all tags were missing... if I use a tag from geometrixx-outdoors this tag is generated in the product page but if I use any other tag (even a Tag from geometrixx-marketing) this one is lost.

Is possible that the native commerceProvider (geometrixx) only accept geometrixx-outdoors Tags?????

6 Replies


Level 9

One thing to check is permissions.

From Administering Tags : Setting Tag Permissions :

"As of AEM 6.1, 'secure (by default)' is now a best practice for the publish environment that requires read permission to be explicitly allowed for tags.  Bascially, this is done by creating a package of the Tag Namespace after permissions have been set on author, and installing the package on all publish instances."

- JK


Level 3

Thanks for your quick answer, but I'm using only author environment and always as Admin .... so I can't see how this could be a permission problem.....

do you have any other suggestion???


Level 9

I went to the security console and looked at the default settings on author and see that there are few that have read permission by default...

I'd start by looking at permissions, then looking into structural details by reading Tagging for Developers.

Maybe someone else will be able to help you better.

- JK


Level 3

Thanks a lot for your advice.... actually I have tried your suggestion and it didn't worked but at least it was a good idea..... Thanks


Level 10

See this topic. 


can you review and let us know if all methods that are discussed fail to work. 


Level 3

Hi smacdonald2008,

I think you did not understood my problem, my issue is that I have my products imported in my /etc/commerce/myApp folder with all the tags inside. But during the Catalog creation-generation process all those Tags are not exported to my Product Pages. But If I use Tags from Geometrix-Otdoors these tags are added to the Products Page, this not happen if I use a tag from any other project (geometrixx-marketing or custom application tags) Initially I though that was a problem with my customs Tags definition but later I tried with all the tags that Geometrixx bring by default and the only ones who seem to work are those from gemotrixx-outdoors at least in the Native (geometrixx) generation procedure 


Thanks in advance