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STALE workflows - DAM renditions


Level 3

Hi, I use AEM 6, with Mongo replica set backend. In our Dev and Prod environments we can upload DAM assets and that works fine - creates the renditions etc. In our QA environment, however, we get a STALE workflow each time. Tried restarting everything, in case the mongo replica set is acting up. But to no avail.

The error log reveals nothing, nada. I read on this forum something about adding a debugger for this workflow. But for what service should I exactly create this logger then?

Any fast reply is enormously appreciated.

3 Replies


Level 10


Make sure to configure MongoBlobStore cache size & datastore size as documented at http://goo.gl/RkEQyu


Level 3

This is the only thing in the log file that may provide a hint. Disk space is not an issue. It works fine in other environments that have the same setup. So it's more a bug rather than a overall configuration thing.


29.09.2014 10:54:31.125 *INFO* [Workflow Starter Thread] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherListener Is in same workflow: /etc/workflow/models/dam/update_asset/jcr:content/model payload: /content/dam/TEST.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original



Level 3

Oh and this also appears in the logs now:


29.09.2014 11:40:44.045 *DEBUG* [pool-8-thread-25-null(null)] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.PayloadMapCache /content/dam/TEST.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/originalis either not existing or does not point to the workflow package lookup path: /etc/workflow/packages
29.09.2014 11:40:44.045 *DEBUG* [ [1412008843800] POST /etc/workflow/instances/2014-09-29/model_3963440336126658 HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.process.LockUtil Node with path /content/dam/TEST.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original does not exist.


When I check, the node /content/dam/TEST.jpg/jcr:content/renditions/original  does exist in fact.


Anyone any idea?