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SsoAuthenticationHandler not working as expected


Level 2

Hi Everybody


We have configure SsoAuthenticationHandler in OSGI Config for Testing.

It is an Publish instance from AEM 6.5.9

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  Adobe Experience Manager (

I testing with the tool postman.

add header "remote_user" value "u123456"

create cookie AIRLOCK_LOGIN_USER with value u123456

add request parameter sso=u123456

Sendig the request

But the User is always null. The handler gets no session.


What do I have to do that the user is recognized. 




best  regards


3 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Ekoch,


First thing, can you please make sure that Jaas ranking for your module is higher than any other login module.


You can check the rankings by going here - http://aem-host:port/system/console/status-jaas


Also, Can you please share logs?





Level 2
Hi Chitra


Level 2
Hi Chitra Ranking move to higher was good Idee. Later i have seen the original request is renamed in Apache config. This was the problem. All subrequest has lost the parameter and the Cookie is not valid for this domain. In the Logs now i can see the User and he has a valid seesion. thanks for your suggest ewald