Hi All,
There has been a requirement come up where to include Ignore change, Accept it and Add to dictionary options in spell check plugin , if there any misspelt words...
How can we include the web extensions options and implement this?
Any suggestions on how this could be done ? Or reference will be helpful..
Thanks in Advance
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@Kavya6875 You can implement https://www.javascriptspellcheck.com/jquery-spell-check plugin for any custom field in cq:dialog.
I have one sample example where I did implemented and created custom web code editor for embedding code snippet.
Please go through this blog https://blogs.perficient.com/2021/08/09/beyond-embed-component-integrate-web-code-editor/
Just follow the same steps I mentioned in my blog.
Happy to help...!
Hi @Kavya6875
If you are talking about the spell check in AEM Guides/XML editor then the below link will helpful
link - spellcheck in Guides
Hi @harishpvl1
The requirement is that for misspelt words it has to show the options of Accept it, Ignore or Add to dictionary in rte component . How can we implement in aem?
whether any browser extensions are available to use in aem ? It would be better you have reference for this.
you can overlay the OOTB dictionaries from /libs/cq/spellchecker/dictionaries to /apps/cq/spellchecker/dictionaries and you can add the required .aff and .dic files by following the below link.
but if you add a new word in the .dic files it may not work.
Hi @Kavya6875
You need to create a custom plugin.
Similar to https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/plugins/opensource/spellchecker/
Where you can maintain dictionary, ignore words and servlet to check the spelling.
Spell Check plugin helps you detect the spelling mistakes or the word which are not available in dictionary at location : /libs/cq/spellchecker/dictionaries
You can create a custom plugin for your requirement by writing servlet that can help adding/updating the existing dictionary.
Please follow https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/configure-ric... to overlay the files at /apps/cq/spellchecker/dictionaries . We may have to use custom js logic to manage addition of new words to the dictionary using a servlet.
@Kavya6875 You can implement https://www.javascriptspellcheck.com/jquery-spell-check plugin for any custom field in cq:dialog.
I have one sample example where I did implemented and created custom web code editor for embedding code snippet.
Please go through this blog https://blogs.perficient.com/2021/08/09/beyond-embed-component-integrate-web-code-editor/
Just follow the same steps I mentioned in my blog.
Happy to help...!