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Solr integration with AEM 6.0.0


Level 4

Is there any documentation yet how to integrate AEM 6.0 with Solr using the new Oak/Solr integration option. I want to push specific content paths e.g. /content/* to Solr.

Oak Solr embedded server configuration
Oak Solr indexing / search configuration
Oak Solr remote server configuration
Oak Solr server provider

1 Accepted Solution


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Level 10

Please file a daycare as I am not sure of doc availability & support. what i heard is there is various architecture for integration possible like "Embedded into same jvm as oak" OR "Single remote"  OR "Master/slave" OR "replica" etc...  The steps for embed are

  1. Set to "Embedded Solr" at http://host:port/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.osgi.SolrServ... after saving Creates solr directory under cq_home directory. Under directory you have solr related xml like schema etc....
  2. Add a node /oak:index/solrIdx with properties
    1. type=solr
    2. async=async   (Recommended)
    3. reindex=true
  3. Optionally for custom home directory instead of cq_home you can configure at http://host:port/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.osgi.Embedded...

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 10

Please file a daycare as I am not sure of doc availability & support. what i heard is there is various architecture for integration possible like "Embedded into same jvm as oak" OR "Single remote"  OR "Master/slave" OR "replica" etc...  The steps for embed are

  1. Set to "Embedded Solr" at http://host:port/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.osgi.SolrServ... after saving Creates solr directory under cq_home directory. Under directory you have solr related xml like schema etc....
  2. Add a node /oak:index/solrIdx with properties
    1. type=solr
    2. async=async   (Recommended)
    3. reindex=true
  3. Optionally for custom home directory instead of cq_home you can configure at http://host:port/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.solr.osgi.Embedded...


Level 3

I am interested in knowing more too. There is a serious lack of documentation about the solr integration piece for aem 6.0 and what it exactly offers. When can we expect something?

Many thanks!


Level 1

THanks, This will help to configure the SOLR in AEM6 correct? What we are interested is that we would like to find the steps to setup a search in a project or what are the different options provided to perform search using SOLR in AEM6. Please explain.




This may help as well: http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/osgi_config.html#Solr_Server_Configuration 

Please feel free to file a ticket, so that our documentation can be updated.




Level 1

Hi Alva,

We have learned that AEM 6.0 has embedded Apache Solr Engine running on CRX3 (OAK). Is there any concrete documentation around optimizing the index as per business requirement?

Once custom indexing schema is set, will querying using JQL, SQL2, XPath etc will honor our custom index schema? 




Hi Rohit,

I've escalated the documentation requirement around this issue. I'm also looking into the answer for your specific question. I will post back here when I find out.




Level 10

Hi Alva,

  It would be great if we can get this document ASAP as we dont have any information on using this feature of AEM 6.


Level 4

Hello Alva,

Do you have any updates about documentation?



Hi Popov555,

I do have some updates on the documentation. Info on queries and indexing are here: http://docs.adobe.com/content/docs/en/aem/6-0/deploy/upgrade/queries-and-indexing.html. This describes how to configure AEM with an embedded Solr server and a remote Solr server. There's also a link to more information at the Apache Solr website. Let me know if that covers the questions you have. There are still more updates coming to the documentation.




Level 4


But it indexes the entire repository.

Could you please suggest how I can index a particular path (e.g. /content/dam/*)?


Level 1

Do you have documentation on setting up remote solr.