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Setting available components in policy for nested parsys in AEM 6.4


Level 3


I have a classic case of a container component that I can drag into the main layout container. My container component contains another layout container (parsys/responsivegrid).

I am able to configure the policy for main layout container on the page but I couldn't find a way to set a policy for the layout container in my component. Prior to AEM 6.4 I would do this in /etc/designs but that folder doesn't even exist in AEM 6.4 and I don't want to create one and handle this in a legacy way.

Any suggestions?


4 Replies


Community Advisor


In dynamic template, policies are store at /conf/  folder e.g.


you can try same as you are doing with /etc/design/

Arun Patidar


Level 3

I know it's in conf ...I think I already tried about 30 different node structures in my policy and template. I can set the policy on my component if I add a design dialog. I don't know how to set the policy on the parsys inside my component. Also if I include a parsys with data-sly-resource in a page with templated content I see 2 parsys. I think I need to extend the parsys/responsivegrid otherwise it won't work.


Community Advisor

Can you tell me how did you do same with static template, I can try something.

Otherwise you can go with extend/override.

Arun Patidar


Level 3

Before it was easy since any parsys on the page could be configured in design mode and then you could just import the node structure generated in etc/designs/project/template into your project. Right now with policies things don't really work as I would expect. It's very simple to test this. Just create an empty component and in it's component.html add

<sly data-sly-resource="${par @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/parsys'}"></sly>


<sly data-sly-resource="${par @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid'}"></sly> 

Drag this new component onto one of your pages. I couldn't find a way to configure the parsys in the component with policies. If I create the par node in crxde there is a strange behaviour where I end up with two parsys containers in my component for some reason - one seems to inherit the policy from the parent and one that I still can't configure. I'm inclined to think this might be a bug.