Hi Everyone. I'm getting an issues When going to my site from other sites, It return a 403 status But everything is ok when I navigate from internal site.
Thanks everyone.
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Hi @luongpham1994 ,
If you're navigating this page URL from an external site then the page URL is facing an issue finding the relative domain to complete the URL. But as you mentioned it is working fine while redirecting internally it is because you are redirecting targeted pages from the same site domain. You should provide a complete path of that page while navigating from the external site/page.
Yes, I did provide the full url included "domain + path".
For ex: In google.com -> Open console tab -> enter location.href="my site", It's still returing 403 status except I enter the path to the address bar directly
Is there any rewrite rules in place?
Check network calls on click of link from external site.
Share the error log if possible.
Hi @luongpham1994
Do you see any bundle is not in Active state(related to that site)? you must have something in error.log please check and try to fix or paste trace here.