I am trying to understand how the location of a rendering script is resolved when using a json extension. I am also interested in the same question but when also including a selector.
I have been puzzling over the statements in this article :-
It all seems to work fine when the URL uses a .html extension, but if I use .json instead, it all goes a bit pear-shaped ?
Under the title 'Locating the script' from the article, it states :-
URLs in other formats, not ending with .html For example ../content/corporate/jobs/developer.pdf The script will be /apps/hr/jobs/jobs.pdf.esp; the suffix is added to the script name. URLs with selectors Selectors can be used to display the same content in an alternative format. For example a printer friendly version, an rss feed or a summary. If we look at a printer friendly version where the selector could be print; as in ../content/corporate/jobs/developer.print.html The script will be /apps/hr/jobs/jobs.print.esp; the selector is added to the script name. If no sling:resourceType has been defined then: the content path will be used to search for an appropriate script (if the path based ResourceTypeProvider is active). For example, the script for ../content/corporate/jobs/developer.html would generate a search in /apps/content/corporate/jobs/. the primary node type will be used. If no script is found at all then the default script will be used. The default rendition is currently supported as plain text (.txt), HTML (.html) and JSON (.json), all of which will list the node's properties (suitably formatted). The default rendition for the extension .res, or requests without a request extension, is to spool the resource (where possible). For http error handling (codes 403 or 404) Sling will look for a script at either: the location /apps/sling/servlet/errorhandler for customized scripts or the location of the standard scripts /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/403.esp, or 404.esp respectively.
So ... taking the first statement, if I use .json as the extension as in :-
it would suggest that this script could be found :-
or even just:
but doing that just results in default json render being called.
Any attempt to use a selector as well as the json extension :-
causes :-
Invalid recursion selector value 'print'
Thoroughly confused !
Solved! Go to Solution.
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I assume, resource type label is single-trip and sling:resourceType is /apps/myprj/components/test. Under test component I have test.jsp, and telephone.json.jsp. Now if I hit this url then it will give me json output in the browser :
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It's great that the forum is back and working again. I'm re-posting this question since it got swallowed during the time this forum was experiencing problems
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What are you trying to do? You want a resource to render JSON formatted data?
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Fundamentally, 'Yes', but I also want to better understand how a JSON rendering script is located since this *appears* to be different ?
Some details :-
If I use this URL :-
I can see that my telephone.jsp rendering script is successfully found and outputs some html
However, if I only change the extension to json : http://localhost:4502/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.json
I get a nasty surprise :-
Cannot serve request to /content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.json in org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet
I do have a json.jsp in the same location as my telephone.jsp and assumed that it would be found. But clearly not ??
Can anyone explain why this is ??
If I look at the request log info for telephone.html, I can see that the request is handled by the primary foundation component Page.jsp :-
single-trip.telephone.html handled by Servlet=/libs/foundation/components/primary/cq/Page/Page.jsp
0 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) LOG Method=GET, PathInfo=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.html 0 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_START{ResourceResolution} 0 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_END{0,ResourceResolution} URI=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.html resolves to Resource=JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip 1 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) LOG Resource Path Info: SlingRequestPathInfo: path='/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip', selectorString='telephone', extension='html', suffix='null' 1 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_START{ServletResolution} 1 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_START{resolveServlet(JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip)} 1 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_END{0,resolveServlet(JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip)} Using servlet /libs/foundation/components/primary/cq/Page/Page.jsp 1 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_END{0,ServletResolution} URI=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.html handled by Servlet=/libs/foundation/components/primary/cq/Page/Page.jsp
and then eventually the telephone.jsp :-
36 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) LOG Including resource Paragraph, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, cssClass=default, column=0/0, diffInfo=[null], resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone] (SlingRequestPathInfo: path='/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone', selectorString='telephone', extension='html', suffix='null') 36 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_START{resolveServlet(Paragraph, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, cssClass=default, column=0/0, diffInfo=[null], resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone])} 36 (2014-03-19 22:23:30) TIMER_END{0,resolveServlet(Paragraph, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, cssClass=default, column=0/0, diffInfo=[null], resource=[JcrNodeResource, type=avivapocs/components/telephone, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip/jcr:content/par/telephone])} Using servlet /apps/avivapocs/components/telephone/telephone.jsp
Looking at the same log for telephone.json, it appears that it uses an entirely different resolution process (Using servlet org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet) :-
0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Method=GET, PathInfo=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.json 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_START{ResourceResolution} 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{0,ResourceResolution} URI=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.json resolves to Resource=JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Resource Path Info: SlingRequestPathInfo: path='/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip', selectorString='telephone', extension='json', suffix='null' 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_START{ServletResolution} 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_START{resolveServlet(JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip)} 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{0,resolveServlet(JcrNodeResource, type=cq:Page, superType=null, path=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip)} Using servlet org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{0,ServletResolution} URI=/content/aviva/en_uk/general-insurance/travel/single-trip.telephone.json handled by Servlet=org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet
and eventually to : /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/default.jsp !!
0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Applying Requestfilters 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.bgservlets.impl.BackgroundServletStarterFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.designimporter.CanvasPageDeleteRequestFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.history.impl.HistoryRequestFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMRequestFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.theme.impl.ThemeResolverFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.impl.FormsHandlingServlet 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.engine.impl.debug.RequestProgressTrackerLogFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.mobile.core.impl.redirect.RedirectFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG RedirectFilter did not redirect (request extension does not match) 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.warp.TimeWarpFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.AuthoringUIModeServiceImpl 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Applying Componentfilters 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.personalization.impl.TargetComponentFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMComponentFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMDebugFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_START{org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet#0} 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Using org.apache.sling.servlets.get.impl.helpers.JsonRendererServlet to render for extension=json 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Applying Error filters 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter 0 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_START{handleError:status=400} 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{15,handleError:status=400} Using handler /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/default.jsp 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) LOG Found processor for post processing ProcessorConfiguration: {contentTypes=[text/html],order=-1, active=true, valid=true, processErrorResponse=true, pipeline=(generator=Config(type=htmlparser, config={}), transformers=(Config(type=linkchecker, config={}), Config(type=mobile, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=node /libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobile, values={component-optional=true, jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured}]), Config(type=mobiledebug, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=node /libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobiledebug, values={component-optional=true, jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured}]), Config(type=contentsync, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=node /libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-contentsync, values={component-optional=true, jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured}]), serializer=Config(type=htmlwriter, config={}))} 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{15,Request Processing} Dumping SlingRequestProgressTracker Entries 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{15,handleError:status=400} Error handler finished 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{15,org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet#0} 15 (2014-03-19 22:25:04) TIMER_END{15,Request Processing} Request Processing
If I add apps/foundation/primary/cq/Page/Page.jsp and proxy.jsp then everything works, but I just can't figure out why Sling resolution doesn't find my custom json.jsp without needing to do this ??
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I assume, resource type label is single-trip and sling:resourceType is /apps/myprj/components/test. Under test component I have test.jsp, and telephone.json.jsp. Now if I hit this url then it will give me json output in the browser :
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