Hi, all.
We're working on a site that will have some components with HTML fragments that will be re-used across dozens (maybe hundreds) pages. And the requirement is that I edit a fragment once, and this change reflects to all pages that are using it.
I could achieve this by placing a call on my template's jsp file with an absolute path attribute, like call below:
<cq:include path="/content/shared/HTMLTextFooter" resourceType="project-name/components/html-text"/>
But our requirement is a little bit more sophisticated: we should be able to, from the custom component (for which I am asking advice to develop) reference an existing node with content for this component. In other words, I think I should be able to inform the path "/content/shared/HTMLTextFooter" somehow on the edit window.
I know we can create N components with distinct jsp render files, each one pointing to a specific path, but this will lead us to the problem of creating a new component and deploying a package every time a re-usable fragment is identified.
Could you please share your insights/previous experiences regarding the scenario/questions above?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Well perhaps I misunderstanding you design. How are you using your custom component? Do you drag onto a paragraph system on a page, or is it statically included in one of your templates.
The widget in the reference component that displays the paragraphs (referenceparagraphs) leverages a servlet (the source of which you can read - http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/libs/foundation/src/impl/src/main/java/com/day/cq/wcm/founda...). You could extend the referenceparagraphs ExtJs widget to use a different selector and load the paragraphs differently (not just pulling from paragraph systems).
The other possibility, if you have a well defined content structure is to just use the pathfield widget.
There are other variations on this - for example if used multiple components to manage the HTML fragment you could have a selector script in your template that handled the include and then you would just reference the selected page plus the selector so something like <sling:include path="${properties.path}.customscriptselector.html" />
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Unless I am misunderstanding your requirement you shouldn't have to do any development at all, the out of the box Reference component should do exactly what you are looking for. See http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/current/wcm/default_components/editmode.html#Reference for the documentation - you can play with it in the Geometrixx demo site as well.
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Hi, Orotas.
I think you got it, and I already did a try with the reference component. The problem with it is that I can only reference a paragraph using that, and in my case I need to reference a custom component I built based on the out-of-the-box Text component.
Do you know how can I reference a custom component instead of a paragraph?
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Well perhaps I misunderstanding you design. How are you using your custom component? Do you drag onto a paragraph system on a page, or is it statically included in one of your templates.
The widget in the reference component that displays the paragraphs (referenceparagraphs) leverages a servlet (the source of which you can read - http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/libs/foundation/src/impl/src/main/java/com/day/cq/wcm/founda...). You could extend the referenceparagraphs ExtJs widget to use a different selector and load the paragraphs differently (not just pulling from paragraph systems).
The other possibility, if you have a well defined content structure is to just use the pathfield widget.
There are other variations on this - for example if used multiple components to manage the HTML fragment you could have a selector script in your template that handled the include and then you would just reference the selected page plus the selector so something like <sling:include path="${properties.path}.customscriptselector.html" />
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orotas wrote...
The other possibility, if you have a well defined content structure is to just use the pathfield widget.
Let's say for example that your custom component containing the XML fragment is always located at jcr:content/fragment on the pages that contain it.
You use the pathfield widget in your custom reference component.
In your custom reference component you fetch the path to the selected page
You do an sling include using the selected page path - <sling:include path="${properties.path}/jcr:content/fragment.html" />
Hi, Orotas.
It seems that the pathfield approach will fit my requirements. Once I get it working I'll post here the results so someone else may benefit in the future.
Right now I am just curious if is that a common scenario in other AEM/CQ5 projects.
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Just to document the steps needed to achieve the effect:
1 - Create your custom component
2 - Add a pathfield widget on the dialog, and name it "contentPath"
3 - On the JSP a code like the one below:
<c:when test="${empty properties.contentPath}">
<p>[Click "Edit" to select component]</p>
<sling:include path="${properties.contentPath}" />
Thanks once again, Orotas.
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