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Page not visible in just one publisher among set of publishers within card carousel component


Level 2

Hi All,

we have a set of publishers for different regions like region A, B, C, D. One of the page within the card carousel component is missing in region A publisher, but is displayed fine in other regions publishers like B C D.

tried comparing the data of the page which is not visible with the page in working publishers and figured out a missing date property which is renamed with @named annotation as originalPublishedDate in the model.

On providing the published value missing page appears back and republish of page too works fine by fetching the current published date.

I tried to resolve in above mentioned way but the issue keeps resuming only in one publisher making us to figure out root cause. my assumption was the page might have been installed directly on to publisher A via package without publishing via author and i tried the same scenario by creating a new page but the new page appeared on card carousel component as i installed the package. w/o any publishing done from author side

Removing the published date from existing pages in the card carousel component causes them to disappear. 

Not sure what is causing the issue Any suggestions please?.

15 Replies


Community Advisor



Is it the OOTB Replication properties being used? Are we selecting pages based on OOTB replication date?

As per my understanding, Replication properties are not synced to Publisher OOTB.

PID = org.apache.sling.distribution.serialization.impl.vlt.VaultDistributionPackageBuilderFactory.4c1becb6-7c02-4089-8aa6-1e779948815e
  Factory PID = org.apache.sling.distribution.serialization.impl.vlt.VaultDistributionPackageBuilderFactory
  aclHandling = IGNORE
  name = default
  package.filters = [/home/users|-.*/.tokens, /home/users|-.*/.rep:cache]
  property.filters = [/|-^.*/cq:lastReplicated|-^.*/cq:lastReplicatedBy|-^.*/cq:lastReplicationAction]
  type = jcrvlt

 Please verify the above configuration on all publish environments. The property.filters defines which properties should not be pushed while publishing. 

Aanchal Sikka


Level 2

@aanchal-sikka I am not sure if it is OOTB Replication properties being used? or Are we selecting pages based on OOTB replication date? but pages can be enabled and disabled either from actual published date or from the republished date. yet to check this.

But whatever the case is shouldn't it work for all pages in my case its only one page that is not visible and just in one publisher but works fine in others


Community Advisor



Ideally yes... The behavior should be same on all publisher. However, something is different for 1 that could be causing difference in behaviour.


The configuration can be validated from http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr 


Configuration name: Apache Sling Distribution Packaging - Vault Package Builder Factory

Aanchal Sikka


Level 2

Hi @aanchal-sikka i tried to check the config suggested. the values appear to be same in both the publishers.only type=jcrvlt is jcr packages and dot missing in package filters rep:cache value



i did not observe 


Employee Advisor

Hi Veena,

The issue you're experiencing with the missing page in the card carousel component in Region A's publisher seems to be related to the handling of the originalPublishedDate property.

1. Have you tested the scenario by creating a new page and observing if it encounters the same issue?
2. Are there any errors or warnings in the logs when trying to render the page on Region A's publisher?
3. Is the originalPublishedDate property explicitly required for the page to render in the card carousel component?


Mnavi Sharma



Level 2

Hi @ManviSharma Yes the originalPublishedDate is explicit for the page to be visible i tried removing the date in existing pages of card Carousel the page will simply not be visible. 

i created page in local author and tried to reproduce same scenario in local publisher via package. And the page was visible couldn't try it on PROD publisher because of minimal access. Let me see if i can obtain



@Veena1 Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you need more information. If a response worked, kindly mark it as correct for posterity; alternatively, if you found a solution yourself, we’d appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni


Level 2

Not yet, will keep it posted as i venture right answer further help would benefit



Level 4

The behaviour you're describing points to a few potential root causes:

1. Content inconsistency: The originalPublishedDate property may be handled differently across publishers during package installation vs. normal replication. Since installing packages directly bypasses normal replication filters and handlers, this could explain why direct package installation works while regular publishing fails.

2. Replication filter: Check if there's a custom replication filter on Publisher A that might be filtering out pages missing the originalPublishedDate property. This would explain why the issue is isolated to one publisher.

Here some suggestions that can help you for troubleshooting:

1. Compare the complete node structure (not just visible properties) between Publisher A and working publishers using CRX/DE
2. Review replication logs on Publisher A when publishing from author
3. Check for any custom replication filters or preprocessors specific to Publisher A
4. Verify Publisher A's OSGi configuration matches other publishers
5. Consider clearing Publisher A's repository and performing a full content sync (really extreme though!)

Given the importance of it for proper rendering, you may also want to implement a validation check in your model to ensure the displayed slides are in numbers that is expected.


Level 2

@giuseppebag Thanks for the detailed list. How do i check for custom replication filters or preprocessors in publishers?

Also this is just happening with only one page in the card carousel component but rest are fine?



Level 4

@Veena1 in AEM they implement interfaces such as ReplicationContentFilter, AgentFilter or Preprocessor. To locate custom implementations navigate to http://localhost:4502/system/console/components (adjust the host and port as necessary). Now search for ReplicationContentFilter, AgentFilter or Preprocessor, you will see all components implementing these interfaces - custom filters typically have unique names or identifiers distinguishing them from Adobe's default implementations.

Besides you can examine your project's source code to identify classes implementing the ReplicationContentFilter, AgentFilter or Preprocessor interfaces.
In case you're under a multi-tenant AEM solution, you can browse to /apps to locate custom OSGI configuration files from other projects (under pattern /apps/project-name/config) whose name contains ReplicationContentFilter, AgentFilter or Preprocessorr as prefix/suffix - it is possible some custom logic occurs in the related implementation class.


Level 2

@giuseppebag Got it but why only for one page. Apologies for clinging on to same question. i feel even though it had filters shouldn't it be applicable for entire node instead of just one page.


Level 4

Based on my past experience, when similar issues arise, they are usually related to project-specific code rather than out-of-the-box (OOTB) code. IMHO it would be quite challenging for anyone to troubleshoot the problem successfully without access to the actual instances. The best I can do is provide you with some helpful resources to assist you in searching for the root cause of the issue.



Level 2

@giuseppebag Thanks for the info. i tried creating page under same path in author and published date No error in logs. page was visible card carousel component

Also created page and then package of it w/o publishing page installed the package in publisher -- Nor errors in logs. page wasn't visible.

checked for the customised configs and found a config for PublicationDate with below property



But this is common across all publishers. may the page might have been missed from replication queue sometime before which led to missing publication date causing the custom config to remove it from component.


Level 4

hi @Veena1 

It sounds like you’ve made significant progress in troubleshooting the issue. Since you found the custom config for PublicationDate is common across all publishers, it might be worth investigating if there are any subtle differences in how the replication queue is being handled for that specific page.

  1. Replication Queue: As you mentioned, the page might have been missed from the replication queue at some point. This is a common issue that can lead to inconsistencies. You could try to manually re-replicate that specific page.
  2. Configuration Review: Ensure that any custom settings in your replication logic aren't inadvertently affecting this one page. Sometimes, specific content might be excluded due to other conditions defined in your custom properties.
  3. Logs and Errors: Continue monitoring logs for any potential warnings or errors that might indicate why only this page is behaving differently.