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@Reference in sightly


Former Community Member

Hello All,

I wrote onc java class which extends to WCMUse,i am trying to use ResourceResolverFactory using @Reference but factory object is getting null even i made this as commponent @Component;

I know it is depricated.


Public class Test extends WCMUse{


 ResourceResolverFactory factory;

void    activate(){


ResourceResolver getResourceResolver(){


 return factory.getAdminstrativResourceResolver(null);



 @Reference can wont work in sightly ?

I appreciate some one respond asap.




4 Replies


Level 10

You cannot use @Reference in a Sightly Java class. Best way is to use sling model with Sightly and use @osgiservice for injection. See:  https://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/models.html


Level 8

You can also use the Sling Script Helper

private MyService myService; @Override public void activate() throws Exception { myService = this.getSlingScriptHelper().getService(MyService.class); }


Community Advisor

Adding to original post for reference of developers who is using osgi service call in sightly

a) you need to add below dependency in maven bundle/pom.xml for WCMUse class







b) Next  important one to be considered is need to mention the package of Bundle in bundle/pom.xml under plugin section as shown below else you will get class not found exception when you try to reference the bundle in WCMUse  extension class.









               <!-- Let's export our primary package below is important else you will get class not found exception for youre bundle -->



                <!-- By default, don't export any other packages -->




