My company is preparing to follow EU General Data Protection Regulation, which requires the user to be able to accept/decline cookies on your site and if they select decline, that no other cookies from your domain get written. I've been struggling on preventing the JSESSIONID cookie from the Apache Felix Jetty Based Http Service being written based on another cookie value. We can't turn off this service as it's being used for users that do not decline to accept cookies. Anyone have thoughts on how to do this?
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Given that nothing in AEM uses JavaEE Sessions, your custom code must be creating those sessions. Just don't do that if this other cookie is set.
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Hi Weston,
In my opinion for your requirement Opt out the cookie at http://host:port//system/console/configMgr/com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutServiceImpl should help.
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More feedback --
as I remember from previous other projects in UK, not every cookie is banned;-)
Here is the quote from http://ec.europa.eu/ipg/basics/legal/cookies/index_en.htm:
However, some cookies are exempt from this requirement. Consent is not required if the cookie is:
Cookies clearly exempt from consent according to the EU advisory body on data protection- WP29 include:
So you might not really need all those effort to disable sessionid;-)
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