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Pathbrowser - multiselectpath not saving all selected paths - using AEM 6.2


Level 1

Hi, Please can anyone help me on the below issue?

I have a tab in the metadata schema with a path browser with pickerMultiSelect option set to true. It works fine and allows me to select multiple paths however the value stored on the property -


 doesn't save all selected paths but only one(1st selected). Not sure if i am missing any other properties? Also i noticed the node created with the property - pickerSrc is of type "String" and not "String[]". Should i need to declare the type of the property, if yes, please can you advice on how we can do that? I have searched many forums but ended-up with no suggestions.

My configuration - 

<items jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">    <_x0031_469788468439                jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"                sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/foundation/form/pathbrowser"                fieldLabel="Related Images"                fieldDescription="Please select related images."                rootPath="/content/dam"                name="./jcr:content/metadata/relatedimages/pickerSrc"                pickerMultiselect="true">    </_x0031_469788468439></items>
12 Replies


Level 10


Level 2

Hi ,

Were you able to resolve this issue?  Even we are facing the same the pickerMutliselect option is selecting multiple entries in view but it's storing only single entry. Any inputs is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




Level 3


Anyone able to resolve the issue??


Level 10

Are you using Granite Resource type?


Level 3


In my case I am using pathbrowser ui to show it in the front end.

I am not using in dialog.

I have tried with dialog too, but no luck.

I am using coral ui2, aem 6.2 instance


Level 10

I tested with latest Granite type --


It selects multi paths --



Level 3

Hi ,

Thanks for the answer.

But I am using 6.2 and I didn't have pathfield.

I need to use the pathbrowser.

Might be an issue in coralui2??


Level 10

Correct - pathbrowser may not work for this - the Eng team made this functionality available in PathField.


Level 10

I just tested on AEM 6.2 - cannot duplicate this multiple functionality on 6.2 with granite/ui/components/foundation/form/pathbrowser


Level 3

Thanks for the update , I have been working on this very long.

I have tried another way to achieve selecting the multiple paths.

I have added the multifeild coraui and added the pathbrowser inside it.

The first pathbrowser works fine.

But when I click on add field , a new pathbrowser appears but he pop-up doesn't work.

This is happening for all the remaining pathbrowser fields which I added through multifield.

My findings are : the pathbrowser registers on the page load , in coral.js

So when I add pathbrowser dynamically or by clicking the add field of multifeild it is not registered .

How can I overcome this scenario.

Thanks in advance:)


Level 10

I will leave this for other community members.  I have never tried that.  As mentioned - this functionality was improved in granite/coral resource type using path field.


Level 1

Were you able to solve this? I am at exactly same point