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osgi values not being saved in AEM 6.2


Level 9

ConfigManager is not saving the values. It is taking default values always, any changes in osgi values are not being reflected after saving.


Sometimes it does save for few properties, Values are being saved when there is no warning icon

If there is warning icon, none of the values are saved. Moving cursor over the icon shows the following message

Note, that this property is not set. The above field contains is the *default value* specified in the Meta Type service.

My class has the following defination

@Component(label = "Apache Jackrabbit Oak Custom Sync Handler", name = "com.mycom.ldap.core.LdapSynchronizationHelper",
configurationFactory = true, metatype = true, ds = false)

public class LdapSynchronizerSettings {

Property is defined as

    @Property(label = "User Expiration Time", description = "Duration until a synced user gets expired (eg. '1h 30m' or '1d').", value = CONST_USER_EXPIRATION_TIME_DEFAULT)

Other class where the logic for synchronication helper (com.mycom.ldap.core.LdapSynchronizationHelper) is defined as


        // note that the metatype information is generated from LdapSynchronizerSettings
        policy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE, immediate = true)
public class LdapSynchronizationHelper implements SyncHandler {

7 Replies


Level 10

Are you seeing any messages in the AEM log file? 


Level 9

No errors found in the error.log file. After I update from osgi I checked in /apps/system/config folder, I do see these changes in the file.

However when I open again from osgi, it shows the default values. If I click again on save it reverts back to default values. All the new changes are lost.


Level 10

I have asked a few ppl in support to look at this to ensure its not a known issue. 




Level 9

Looked at the article: pls see http://www.nateyolles.com/blog/2015/10/updating-osgi-configurations-in-aem-and-sling

ConfigAdmin service is running,

I checked crx-quickstart/launchpad/config folder, it is creating the appropriate folder structure and config files.

Still the problem remains same


Level 4

Any luck? I am facing the same issue.


Level 2

I am also getting the same issue.