I need help for the same taglib problem from this thread
Error "File /META-INF/tags/HelloTag.tag not found" when creating custom JSP Tag lib
My environment is AEM6.2 with all the patch installed, i read through the sling jira SLING-7044 and i saw it solved on Scripting JSP 2.3.2 , and i tried to upload the scripting jsp 2.3.2 bundle from the sling website, it didn't work either
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Either the bundles containing those tag libraries haven't been deployed and you need to do that, or they have been deployed but they aren't starting because of dependency versions. You may need to download the latest versions of those bundles and deploy them - in which case you may need to update your URI since I think they changed them to remove the wem references.
Please refer to this thread:- : http://www.adobe.com/wem/cq/components cannot be resolved and Issue with creating Custom Tag Library in CQ5.5
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thank you for your reply!
i don't own this custom taglib, it's from other vendor. but it seems working functional on other environments without having the scripting jsp 2.3.2.
i think the taglib bundle is fully installed by checking the /system/console/bundles page, all bundles are active and the /system/console/status-jsptaglibs page, it shows below the Currently available JSP Taglibs.
Also i checked the bundle has the missing helloWorld.tagx in the right place. i extracted the bundle, it's in the /META-INF/tags/helloWorld.tagx.
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Did the problem get solved for you?
I am facing the same issue.
we upgraded from 6.1 to 6.2.
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If you experience issues that should work after an update - please contact support. Sometimes after an upgrade - a hotfix may be needed. We have seen things that work on Fresh installs not work on upgraded versions.
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I installed all the hotfix and SP I could found on 6.2, still no luck.
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