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Null ponter exception while creating JUnit test case for CQ5 component-raising from getResource() method


Level 1


while i am trying to get current node value by mocking node class and ResourceResolver class I am getting nullPointerException over there.Exception is raising from getResource() method.


Here is my actual class code

public class Myclass extends WCMUse {

public void activate() throws Exception {

Node currentNode = getResource().adaptTo(Node.class);



..........bla bla



I am trying with 2 approaches 

Here is my first approach

    Node node;
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver;

        Resource res=resourceResolver.getResource("/");
        EasyMock.expect(res.adaptTo((Class<Node>) EasyMock.anyObject())).andReturn(node);


Here is my second approach

    Node node;
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver;
    private WCMUse wcmUse;
    private Resource r;

 r = wcmUse.getResource();

 node = r.adaptTo(Node.class);


In that underlined part I am getting null pointer Exception.

Please suggest me the exact approach to resolve this issue.

3 Replies


Level 10

I think you should use @TestReference annotation


Level 1

Thanks for your reply.

But i dont want to do sever side testing here.I want to use Junit and any mocking frameworks suggest me the approach in that, if posible.


Level 2

Try using below approach:

Resource resource = mock(Resource.class);

MyClass myClass = new MyClass(){

   public Resource getResource() {

   return resource;

