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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Multiple client context in a single instance


Level 1

I have created multiple client context's (clientcontext_one, clientcontext_two ; by extending the default clientcontext and have made corresponding changes in /libs/cq/personalization/components by extending the respective components) in a single instance to map it to different websites(Geometrixx Outdoors, Geometrixx Media) and have included respective client context's in the body.jsp of those two websites. I want to display data in the client context through jsonPstore. I've provided an absolute URL in Geometrixx Outdoors's jsonPstore service URL and another absolute URL in Geometrixx Media's jsonPstore service URL. So when pages reload, ideally it has to display different information from URL's provided in Outdoors and Media respectively. But its still referring to /etc/clientcontext/default. Am I missing something here which has to be done. Please let me know whether this scenario is possible or not. If possible, Please suggest the solution. Thanks in advance.

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