We are using the multifield control in our dialogs, and it is generally working well for us. (An example of what I am talking about is here.) But in some cases we've put enough fields in each element that they don't fit on the screen without scrolling. This is fine until you want to re-order the elements; Touch UI appears to only allow dragging (whereas classic had move-up-and-down buttons) which is not effective when the elements to be ordered don't fit in the viewport - you can't both drag and scroll.
So I'm looking for some advice:
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Solved! Go to Solution.
jwepurchase: Here is my take on this:
There doesnt seem to be OOB solution for this. But you can always extend existing one to achieve what you want
I tried adding 2 buttons and used jQuery for the same. You can place the code in appropriate files but here is what I did:
var fieldTemplate =
"<li class=\"js-coral-Multifield-input coral-Multifield-input\">" +
"<div class=\"js-coral-Multifield-placeholder\"></div>" +
removeButton +
moveButton +
$("li a.multi-move-up").off().on("click", function(e){
var $currentListElement = $(this).parent("li");
var $prevListElement = $currentListElement.prev();
$("li a.multi-move-down").off().on("click", function(e){
var $currentListElement = $(this).parent("li");
var $nextListElement = $currentListElement.next();
Ideally this should go in your author clientlib. You can also add CSS to make it look the way you want- Add icon instead of text link or whatever you think looks good for you,
As long as its just look and feel, you can always write your own CSS and make it the way you want it to be.
You could look at writing an advanced SLing Resource type that uses JQuery re-ordering/sorting.
A custom Sling Resource type can be based on a JQuery plug-in - as shown here - how we did the color picker:
Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating a custom Experience Manager sling:resourceType for Touch UI
There is no example of this exact use case.
If other community members have an idea - please write them down .
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ALso - if you are looking for a 6.3 Multifield example - see:
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jwepurchase: Here is my take on this:
There doesnt seem to be OOB solution for this. But you can always extend existing one to achieve what you want
I tried adding 2 buttons and used jQuery for the same. You can place the code in appropriate files but here is what I did:
var fieldTemplate =
"<li class=\"js-coral-Multifield-input coral-Multifield-input\">" +
"<div class=\"js-coral-Multifield-placeholder\"></div>" +
removeButton +
moveButton +
$("li a.multi-move-up").off().on("click", function(e){
var $currentListElement = $(this).parent("li");
var $prevListElement = $currentListElement.prev();
$("li a.multi-move-down").off().on("click", function(e){
var $currentListElement = $(this).parent("li");
var $nextListElement = $currentListElement.next();
Ideally this should go in your author clientlib. You can also add CSS to make it look the way you want- Add icon instead of text link or whatever you think looks good for you,
As long as its just look and feel, you can always write your own CSS and make it the way you want it to be.
Thanks for your help.
This looks like what I need, but I haven't got it to work yet. I haven't been able to modify the template. I created the overriding coral.js file in /apps/clientlibs/granite/coralui2/js/coral.js and modified it by adding some logging and commenting out the move button, like so:
console.log("============================================= if you don't see this, it won't work");
var fieldTemplate =
"<li class=\"js-coral-Multifield-input coral-Multifield-input\">" +
"<div class=\"js-coral-Multifield-placeholder\"></div>" +
removeButton +
//moveButton +
I see my comment coming up in the log, and that the code is in the /etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/coralui2.js client lib file, but I also still see the move button. My assumption was that I could add (and remove) buttons by modifiying this template, but my test doesn't seem to agree. Have I missed something?
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My bad. "clientlibs/granite/coralui2/js/coral.js" is used when you click on add button in multifield. You will see that in new item added, move button wont be there...
But it solves half of the problem.. The issue still left is when you open dialog, " /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield/render.jsp" is rendered which adds move and remove button in the multifield. This is done by JS that is different from coral.js.
So to change it, need to find the JS which has CUI.Multifield.init definition.. FYI, so far I could not find it...
My searches haven't turned up anything either. I figured that I should be able to at least change the icon on the existing control, but no luck. I've searched for the icon name, "moveUpDown", and I can't find it anywhere else in coralui2. There is a mention of it in coralui3, but that code isn't being loaded/executed. So I'm at a loss as to what it is that is creating the existing elements. Puzzling...
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Though not being able to change the existing ones, There is still a way to add up/down buttons. In " /libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield/render.jsp" change line 167 to:
<li class="coral-Multifield-input js-coral-Multifield-input" role="option" aria-selected="true" style="border-bottom:1px solid black"><% include(field, name, values[i], cmp, request); %><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="multi-move-up">Move Up</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="multi-move-down">Move Down</a></li>
and add same JS event handler there. Though not the best way to do it, but serves the purpose, if it is urgent..