This is my multifield dialog looks like in CQ6. You can see that the "move downward" and "remove" columns are hidden in the page. In CQ5, you can adjust this by resizing the dialog. but in CQ6, I cannot resize the new dialog.
This is my code.
/** * @class Ejst.LinkListField * @extends CQ.form.CompositeField * The LinkListField lets the user can input the text and url for this link. * */ Ejst.LinkListField = CQ.Ext.extend(CQ.form.CompositeField, { /** * xtype: hidden * store real value file: this is json format * {url: '/content/sample', text: 'sample'} */ valueField: null /** * xtype: textfield * view on dialog: store text for this link */ ,linkText: null /** * xtype: pathfield * view on dialog: store url for this link */ ,linkUrl: null /** * xtype: checkbox * view on dialog: store url for this link */ ,openInNewWindow: null /** * xtype: numberfield */ ,level: null ,constructor: function(config) { config = config || {}; var defaults = { border: true ,layout: "form" ,autoWidth: false }; config = CQ.Util.applyDefaults(config, defaults); Ejst.LinkListField.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); } /** * create composite fields */ ,initComponent: function () { Ejst.LinkListField.superclass.initComponent.call(this); //create children items this.valueField = new CQ.Ext.form.Hidden({ name: this.name }); this.linkText = new CQ.Ext.form.TextField({ emptyText: 'Link text' ,allowBlank: false ,fieldLabel: 'Link Text' ,style : { width: '100%' } ,listeners: { change: { scope: this ,fn: this.updateValue } } }); this.linkUrl = new CQ.form.PathField({ emptyText: 'Select path or type external URL' ,allowBlank: true ,fieldLabel: 'URL' ,style : { width: '100%' } ,width: '205px' // ,listeners: { dialogclose: { scope: this ,fn: this.updateValue } ,change: { scope: this ,fn: this.updateValue } } }); this.openInNewWindow = new CQ.Ext.form.Checkbox({ boxLabel: 'Open in new window' ,listeners: { check: { scope: this ,fn: this.updateValue } } }); this.level = new CQ.Ext.form.NumberField({ fieldLabel: 'Navigation Level' ,defaultValue: 0 ,style : { width: '100%' } ,allowBlank: false ,listeners: { change: { scope: this ,fn: this.updateValue } } }); this.add(this.valueField, this.linkText, this.linkUrl, this.level, this.openInNewWindow); } // ,processInit : function(path, record) { // this.linkText.processInit(path, record); // this.linkUrl.processInit(path, record); // this.level.processInit(path, record); // this.openInNewWindow.processInit(path, record); // } ,getValue: function() { return this.getRawValue(); } ,getRawValue: function() { var link = { 'text': this.linkText.getValue() ,'url': this.linkUrl.getValue() ,'openInNewWindow': this.openInNewWindow.getValue() ,'level': this.level.getValue() }; return JSON.stringify(link); } ,setValue: function(value) { this.valueField.setValue(value); var link = JSON.parse(value); this.linkText.setValue(link.text); this.linkUrl.setValue(link.url); this.openInNewWindow.setValue(link.openInNewWindow); this.level.setValue(link.level); } ,updateValue: function() { this.valueField.setValue(this.getValue()); } }); CQ.Ext.reg('linklistfield', Ejst.LinkListField);
Please help
Thank you