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Mock Casting of jcr Session to Jackrabbit Session - (JackrabbitSession) session


Level 2

Hi All,

I am trying to write a junit test case and i am unable to mock the casting of jcr session to Jackrabbit session.

Here is my Code :

resolver = request.getResourceResolver();

session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class);

jcrSession = (JackrabbitSession) session;

Below is my Junit :


    Session session;


    ResourceResolver resolver;


    JackrabbitSession jcrSession;



PowerMockito.when((JackrabbitSession) session).thenReturn(jcrSession); // i am getting error at this point

when i am trying to do this, i am getting "java.lang.ClassCastException"

Below is the error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: $javax.jcr.Session$$EnhancerByMockitoWithCGLIB$$b9cd1700 cannot be cast to org.apache.jackrabbit.api.JackrabbitSession

I have mocked my session and resolver objects but still i am getting the error.

Please help me in Mocking this for my junit test.

Thanks & Regards,


6 Replies


Employee Advisor


may I ask why do you need to have that cast at all? There should not be any need to do it.



Level 2


I need to make some changes with the users in aem so i need the jackrabbit session which i need to get it from jcrSession session that why i need to cast it and the code is working fine but while writing my test case mocking that is cast is not working.

Thanks & Regards,



Level 2


I have tried this and it is not working. I am also doing the similar implementation.

I have mocked both the jcrSession and Jackrabbit session.

can you please elaborate the below discussion little, i am not getting what he is trying to tell.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28462611/mockito-classcastexception-a-mock-cannot-be-c ast


Employee Advisor

I would refactor the code in a way, that the cast to the JackrabbitSession plus all dependent functionality is separated in a dedicated method, and then stub this method with Mockito completely.

(Also I would recommend to use SlingContext, so you don't need to mock resources and nodes. See [1] for a sample.)

[1] https://cqdump.wordpress.com/2019/01/17/writing-unittests-for-aem-part-3-mocking-resources/


Level 4

Hi @indrajithp11346 ,


You can try like below


when --> resolver.adaptTo(Session.class)).thenReturn(jackrabbitSession object) . @Mock JackrabbitSession jackrabbitSession ; and return jackrabbitSession object in thenReturn method.


If you try above you won't get cast exception