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Missing entry in config manager in aem 6.2


Level 2


we updated cq 5.6.1 to aem 6.2 recently and came across below issue.

There is a configuration service that need to visible in "system/console/configMgr" but not listed in aem 6.2.

That service looks like below:

@Component(metatype = true, immediate = true)



   @Property(name = "service.pid", value = "com.me.now.dealer.service.DealService"),


public class DealService extends GenericQueryService implements DealerService {}

And i can see below log in error.log and not sure whether these are related:

17.07.2017 11:56:56.620 *ERROR* [qtp529707541-3446] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD :  bundle://481.6:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.me.now.dealer.service.DealService.xml

instance: localhost-author and upgraded dev author

Does anybody know why it happened and how to fix it?

5 Replies


Level 5

Did you check bundle is in active state?

And the service is registered.


Level 2

Hi zeeshank15007365

Bundle is in active state and service is registered and visible under system/console/services.


Level 9

it seems DealerService isn't registered as service. Check in services in console.


Level 2

Hi Jitendra,

i checked it, it got registered as service and visible in console/services.


Level 7

You should expose DealerService instead of the implementing class.. So annotation should be:


instead of
