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Migrate custom process steps in asset processing workflow when migrating to AEMaaCS


Level 2

Hi all,


I am migrating an otb "asset update workflow" which has few custom workflow process steps such as metadata modification, property renaming etc.

What is the best way to migrate these custom workflow process steps to AEM Cloud such that post the processing of the assets by the microservices these process steps are executed?


your opinions would be appreciated @arunpatidar@EstebanBustamante@aanchal-sikka@h_kataria@Rohan_Garg 



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2 Replies


Community Advisor

You can create a new workflow which is a copy of the "Assets Cloud Post-Processing" workflow. (Refer Auto Start Workflows)

This workflow can contain all the process steps which are custom to the business requirements.

For the native steps to the OTB "Asset Update Workflow", most of the process steps are not required to be modified as the Asset Compute service takes care of them.

However, you can view list of workflow process steps which are native here at Workflow Step Properties and co-relate with the Supported workflows of the Asset Workflow Migration tool.


Hope this helps!