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Mbox.js to At.js upgrade causing < Uncaught ReferenceError: CQ_Analytics is not defined > console error


Level 3

Hi @Ryan_Roberts_ ,

I recently got below Alert when logged into Adobe Target, so I started migrating mbox.js to at.js and as part of that installed Adobe TargetV2 Launch extension(we are using Adobe Launch for Tag Management) and modified the All Pages - Library loaded rule, and we had mbox.js calls replaced with , https://clientId.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/delivery?    which i am thinking is pretty much the upgrade process, but we started seeing Uncaught ReferenceError: CQ_Analytics is not defined console error

image-20200715-141805 (1).pngCapture.PNG

Can someone let know what was missed? we are using AEM 6.5.5

We are also implementing Component Targeting using Target Engine, but the targeted experience is loading and the disappearing on the page for the components which had some action, Is that because of this as well? Can someone guide please?

Appreciate any responses!!




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4 Replies


Employee Advisor

Are you using any async methods for at.js injection. It can sometime create the mentioned error.


Can you try making at.js inclusion a synchronous call and confirm the same.


Level 3

Hi Nirmal,


Thanks for the response, CQ_Analytics is undefined error is gone with addition of cq.widgets category call  <sly data-sly-call="${clientlib.all @ categories='cq.widgets'}"></sly>  in the page load component and making the launch call Asynchronous , We are injecting at.js using Adobe Launch Target extension , but targeted components don't render any dynamic functionality , 


For example we have a Hero Carousel Component targeted where the carousel images doesn't change and the cat button on the carousel doesn't work ,  seems to be some load order issue or some JavaScript issue, any ideas please?





Employee Advisor
Cool, thats one step forward. Are you loading the launch script in the head itself ? Does it have any attributes like async, defer etc?


Level 3

I am loading the launch script by Cloud Configuration (secured via IMS), there's an option to switch between sync and async , Though i load it asynchronously the targeted component is not loading as it should


Appreciate any ideas?


