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LoginService with AEM 6.1




When you upgrade to AEM 6.1, please note that the LoginService will NOT work with the default Admin user. This will cause most of the code in the back end workshop videos to stop working. In order to fix this, you need to set up a new system user with rights to everything. This can be done by:

1). Opening the CRX explorer at http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/index.jsp

2). Check to be sure you are logged in as admin

3). Click User Administration

4). At the top, click Create System User

5). Create a user and password and click with the Green button

6). Open user administration in AEM and you should see that users. Be sure they are a member of the Administrators group and have rights to all nodes in the JCR.

7). Set this user up in the OSGI console Config Mgr under Apache Sling User Mapper Service (just as you did before with the Admin user).

Your code should now work with the LoginService.

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