We have a Preview and Publish (Live) destinations within our AEM Cloud set up for approvals.
In order to publish the page changes to ONLY the Preview destination we utilize the Manage Publication -> Select Preview -> Publish
However, this is not creating a page version like the Quick Publish button does.
Question 1: Can I set up a custom workflow that will Publish all page changes to ONLY the Preview destination along with all asset changes and create a page version?
(I had a custom workflow previously set up but it only published content changes to the Preview and not asset changes)
If Question 1 is not possible, then:
Question 2: Can I set up a workflow launcher to run a Create Version workflow whenever a page is published using the Manage Publication Wizard?
Thanks in advance!
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@carbfrze_crown : Is there a specific reason you would require a new version on publish to preview environment?
Because it would also create a version on publishing to Publish instance and you would end up having 2 versions for a page with same content.
We have an extensive approval process and there are occasions where we may have multiple edits to the same page coming from different projects. We use versioning to be able to rollback to certain versions whenever that happens. As well as being able to launch the correct version of a page with the appropriate approved content.
I was able to create a custom workflow that uses the Tree Activation Process and this created a version and also published the page to only the preview destination.
However, if I upload an asset to the DAM and add it to the page it only shows in the author instance and does not get published using the workflow.
Any ideas? Here are the arguments for that step. Is there something I can add to force any assets to be published? Or another step I can add to the workflow?
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Did you try this https://blog.arborydigital.com/how-to-do-a-tree-activation-on-aem-as-a-cloud-service? Are yo using that same step?
Yes that is how we were originally doing it and it still was not publishing any new assets to the Preview destination.
According to this Adobe Experience page, the Publish Content Tree Workflow process has been deprecated.
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@carbfrze_crown Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!
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No. None of the suggestions were helpful nor did I discover the solution.
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