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Jenkins job to sync client multiple repositories to adobe cloud manager git repository on git changes to specific branches


Level 2

client has multiple repositories that need to be pushed to adobe cloud manager repo on git changes in specific branches like dev, release, master and trying to achieve this using Jenkins job.  what are the steps to be done. I tried creating the jenkins job using the credentials(with username and password) but adobe cloud manager repo couldn't be accessed in jenkins. What is the best way to auto synch this scenario. should we create any script and keep it in the git repo and have the jenkins job to read it from there. what kind of authentication credentials we need.

8 Replies


Community Advisor



We are able to access the Adobe git from our Jenkins , using below shell script which can be added to Jenkins Job we can push a branch from one repo to another repo in different domains


rm -rf {REPO_NAME}
git clone --single-branch --branch $BRANCH git@{gitdemo}/{REPO_URL}.git
git push https://{USER}:{PWD}@{ADOBE_GIT_URL} --all


Hope this helps!

I am curious about the authentication process for adobe git from jenkins. I tried using the credentials provided from cloud manager with https: url and it's not getting to cloud manager git and see proxy can not be connected


Community Advisor

Check whether any whitelisting issue, I remember working with our IT team to get whitelisted our Jenkins to access adobe git.

you mean.. internal IT team need to whitelist the adobe git server Ip address?


Community Advisor


Could you please check https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/integrating-internal-git-w... article if you can get any help.

Arun Patidar

In fact I followed the same and had issues to connect to Adobe ACM git repository. our jenkins not able to connect to adobe acm git and showing the error as "proxy not able to connect on port XXX "


Community Advisor

Hi @rajashekharreddy0707 ,


Refer to https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/using-...


It has a sample jenkins job that works for pushing code to adobe git.

You can pass the credentials by updating the below command with corresponding values for $MAIN_USER and $MAIN_PASSWORD 

# Cloud Manager's Git repository
export MAIN_REPOSITORY=https://$MAIN_USER:$MAIN_PASSWORD@git.cloudmanager.adobe.com/<PATH>

If you have an error even with valid credentials here, please share the exact error message.







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