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Java API Workflow process not working AEM6.1


Level 4


I have created a workflow process using Java API in AEM6.1. When I build the bundle I get the error which is " Unable to compile the Activator.java class in ASM ? (Class doesnt support the property) ". I checked the bundle information in Felix it show active state. At the same time I also checked the information in service and components tab but no information is available.

OS :  Win7

Java Version : 1.8

Please help me to resolve this issue,



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hi Sumit,

using CRXDE Lite is not reccomended for building bundles. Please see a recent thread[0] For the time being are there any errors in the error.log file?




[0] http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...

View solution in original post

8 Replies



Have you checked your Activator.java class? Can you run the build with "-X" and share the errror

You said the bundle did not build, what did you deploy to your instance?


Level 4

Hi Gill,


I am able to build the bundle with the error " Unable to compile the Activator.java class in ASM ? (Class doesnt support the property) ". As I am able to see the bundle information in bundle tab Felix console.

Activator.java class is fine.

I am building the bundle in CRXDELite.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thank you



Correct answer by

Hi Sumit,

using CRXDE Lite is not reccomended for building bundles. Please see a recent thread[0] For the time being are there any errors in the error.log file?




[0] http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manage...


Level 4

Hi Opkar,

Please find the error logs for the bundle build in CRXDELite.

13.07.2015 15:05:50.168 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1] com.day.cq.replication.Agent.offloading_reverse_40624f10-4d44-4ec9-a241-e828b15b4b98 Reverse replication successful. 13.07.2015 15:05:50.168 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-1] com.day.cq.replication.Agent.offloading_reverse_40624f10-4d44-4ec9-a241-e828b15b4b98 Fetched 0 contents from since null13.07.2015 15:06:17.772 *WARN* [ [1436780176975] POST /libs/crxde/build HTTP/1.1] com.day.crx.ide.BundleBuilder Unable to scan class files: com.mcd.test.Activator (Class file format probably not supported by ASM ?) at C:\Users\VISWAN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1436780177144\classes\com\mcd\test\Activator.class:013.07.2015 15:06:18.479 *INFO* [JcrInstaller.1] org.apache.sling.installer.provider.jcr.impl.JcrInstaller Registering resource with OSGi installer: [InstallableResource, priority=200, id=/apps/mcd/install/com.mcd.test.testworkflow.jar] 13.07.2015 15:06:19.914 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.mcd.test.testworkflow BundleEvent INSTALLED 13.07.2015 15:06:19.964 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] org.apache.sling.audit.osgi.installer Installed bundle com.mcd.test.testworkflow [462] from resource TaskResource(url=jcrinstall:/apps/mcd/install/com.mcd.test.testworkflow.jar, entity=bundle:com.mcd.test.testworkflow, state=INSTALL, attributes=[org.apache.sling.installer.api.tasks.ResourceTransformer=:24:43:21:, Bundle-SymbolicName=com.mcd.test.testworkflow, Bundle-Version=1.0.0.SNAPSHOT], digest=1436780178076) 13.07.2015 15:06:20.119 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.mcd.test.testworkflow BundleEvent RESOLVED 13.07.2015 15:06:20.119 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.mcd.test.testworkflow BundleEvent STARTING 13.07.2015 15:06:20.146 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3] com.day.cq.replication.Agent.offloading_reverse_40624f10-4d44-4ec9-a241-e828b15b4b98 Sending GET request to 13.07.2015 15:06:20.170 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] com.mcd.test.testworkflow BundleEvent STARTED 13.07.2015 15:06:20.193 *INFO* [OsgiInstallerImpl] org.apache.sling.audit.osgi.installer Started bundle com.mcd.test.testworkflow [462] 13.07.2015 15:06:20.209 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3] com.day.cq.replication.Agent.offloading_reverse_40624f10-4d44-4ec9-a241-e828b15b4b98 sent. Response: 200 OK 13.07.2015 15:06:20.209 *INFO* [pool-6-thread-3] com.day.cq.replication.Agent.offloading_reverse_40624f10-4d44-4ec9-a241-e828b15b4b98 



Please let me know if you need more information.

Thank you

Sumit Singhal



Hi Sumit,

This may well be the first of many issues you face if you continue to use CRXDE Lite for development. Any time spent debugging this issue will probably be better spent setting up maven to build your bundle. The error does not seem to point to an obvious issue.




Level 4

Hi Opkar,

Thank you so much for all you help . I am able to get the workflow process using maven build bundle but for CRXDELite its not working.

Please let me know if you know anything about how to make it work in CRXDELite.

Thank you

Sumit Singhal



Hi Sumit,

it is no longer recommended to use CRXDELite to do development. So there are very little chances of getting any official support to make it work. Using the maven build, you can apply Java development best practices and tools to your code, something you can't do with CRXDELite.




Level 10

Here is a community article that walks you through how to build a custom AEM process step using Maven. 


To community members reading this thread - NEVER build OSGi bundles using CRXDE lite. Always use Maven.