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Issue with using OutputService API in AEM Forms


Level 1


private OutputService outputService;



PDFOutputOptions option = new PDFOutputOptions();






String XDPPath = "/content/dam/xdpfile.xdp";

File inputXML = new File("D:\test.xml");

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(inputXML);

doc = outputService.generatePDFOutput(XDPPath, new Document(in), option);

Hi Team,

I am trying to generate a PDF file from the adaptive form which is associated to a XDP.

I found  outputService.generatePDFOutput(XDPPath, new Document(in), option) API can do this PDF generation as shown in the code above.

When I try to use this, I have added the dependencies in pom as mentioned below to get the errors resolved.






Then build got successful for project, but the core bundle is in "Installed" state as its dependency aemfd-client-sdk is having the below errors and its in "Installed" state.


I am unable to download the dependencies for the packages marked in red.

Please help me to resolve these errors.

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