I am using ACS commons renovator to pull the report of images which has no reference in pages. As our content is very huge, when a single image is referred in multiple pages in multiple locales, "Referred In" column in report each cell it is exceeding 32767 characters and it is throwing below error.

<h1>Error during requesting: '/var/acs-commons/mcp/instances/683A99AD07F315B2/_jcr_content/report.xlsx'<h3>Error Message:</h3>
<pre>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The maximum length of cell contents (text) is 32767 characters</pre><h3>Processing Info:</h3>
<table style='font-family: monospace'>
so, I want to customize renovator like it should only give true or false if the image has reference or not, instead of listing all the pages in which it is referred in "Referred In" column.
Can someone help here.