Hi, Is there any way to embed core into ui.apps using filevault-package-maven-plugin but also keeping the packageType as application? Basically I am trying to replicate similar behaviour that was used in older versions of content-package-maven-plugin where core is bundles along with ui.apps and not part of the all module.
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Hi @sindhusr
You can examples here : https://github.com/arunpatidar02/aemaacs-aemlab/blob/e31fc62bfd147e56ecaca740c6e2739c66c75f75/all/po...
Hi @arunpatidar ,
Thank you for your response.
When I tried adding embeddable in the ui.apps I get this error -- ValidationViolation: "jackrabbit-packagetype: Package of type 'APPLICATION' is not supposed to contain OSGi bundles or configurations!.
I tried this previously as well but could not get it working. how did you get around that?
Looks like the issue above happens only in version 1.1.6 of filevault plugin. I used the same version as in your example and everything works fine but I noticed that the core bundle automatically activates and deactivates by itself in a loop. Do you know why? or have you faced anything similar?
That approach is not compatible with AEM CS. May I ask why you try to achieve this?
@sindhusr Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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