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In which file, the variable config.disableTarget is declared? like config.disableTarget=false or "disableTarget":false


Level 1

In Editbase.js we can add config.disableTarget=true in addTargetingActions function to make target button hide globally. I want to know in which file config.disableTarget is assigned to "false" or in which javascript file config.disableTarget is declared. In Editbase.js file which methods sets the default value "false" to config.disableTarget.

3 Replies


Level 1

In Editbase.js we can add config.disableTarget=true in addTargetingActions function to make target button hide globally. I want to know in which file config.disableTarget is assigned to "false" or in which javascript file config.disableTarget is declared. In Editbase.js file which methods sets the default value "false" to config.disableTarget.


Level 10

What is your use case?  By default it is enabled. On specific component where you want to disable,  on the cq:editConfig set cq:disableTargeting to true




If you just want to disable target globally, then

The way to do this without modifying some javascript code (always a bad idea!) is to overlay the parsys component and on the cq:editConfig set cq:disableTargeting to true.

You'll need to modify the following nodes:



But still, i guess the JS would be /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/ui/ui.globalBar.js


Another Reference Post:- https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1212664

I hope this would help you.


Kautuk Sahni