Below script can be used in java script activity in the workflow to be able to pull the logs from this file directly in the Audit logs :
var f =newFile("/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/"+ Application.instanceName +"/logins.log");var arr =; line in f){
arr.push( line )}for(var i = arr.length -1; i =0; i--)logInfo(arri);
However, I would urge you to post your question here Adobe Campaign Classic v7 & Campaign v8 [0] to get better response.
Below script can be used in java script activity in the workflow to be able to pull the logs from this file directly in the Audit logs :
var f =newFile("/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/"+ Application.instanceName +"/logins.log");var arr =; line in f){
arr.push( line )}for(var i = arr.length -1; i =0; i--)logInfo(arri);
However, I would urge you to post your question here Adobe Campaign Classic v7 & Campaign v8 [0] to get better response.