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Unable to commit Symlink files for dispatcher from windows


Level 4

Hi Team,

I am unable to commit symlink created for enabled_Vhost and enabled_Farms from windows machine.
I tried using WSL also but the symlink files are not listing at all. How to resolve this issue.

AEM as CS, Dispatcher , symlink


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3 Replies


Community Advisor


Level 9

Hi @georhe6 


I believe you can recreate them or instruct git to allow them (symlinks = true)


Try to see if any of these two links leads you to a fix.


Level 4

To address the issue at hand, it is important to follow a systematic approach. Here are the steps to consider for resolving the matter:


  1. Enable symlink support in Git


git config --global core.symlinks true​


  • Create symlinks with elevated privileges using mklink from Command Prompt or PowerShell as an Administrator:


mklink enabled_Vhost path\to\target\Vhost
mklink enabled_Farms path\to\target\Farms​


  • Verify (git status) and commit (git add then git commit) the symlinks using Git for Windows.
  • Avoid mixing WSL and Windows-native tools for symlink management. If you’re using WSL, note that symlinks created in WSL most likely will not be compatible with Windows-native tools like Git for Windows. To avoid this:
    • Ensure that the symlinks are created in the Windows file system (not inside the WSL-specific file system).
    • Use Git for Windows to manage the repository instead of WSL’s Git.