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IllegalStateException: This tree does not exist


Level 3

I'm working on enabling Adobe Target on our AEM site and I'm getting the following exception when trying to create a Target Activity in a given page.  If I use an admin account it works fine so I'm thinking it's something permission related.  I've granted permissions to the user I'm using when it fails with read/modify/create/delete/replicate to the /content/campaigns/cms path.  What else am I missing to make this work?

26.07.2017 12:57:34.933 *ERROR* [ [1501088254928] POST /content/campaigns/cms/master/jcr:content.activityupdate.json HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.personalization.impl.servlets.ActivityUpdateServlet Error creating or updating the activity!

java.lang.IllegalStateException: This tree does not exist

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.MutableTree.beforeWrite(MutableTree.java:353)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.core.MutableTree.setProperty(MutableTree.java:239)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.util.TreeUtil.addChild(TreeUtil.java:205)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.NodeDelegate.addChild(NodeDelegate.java:693)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl$5.perform(NodeImpl.java:297)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit


10 Replies


Level 3

Any thoughts?


Level 5


Level 3

I had looked at that question but it's a bit different and unfortunately doesn't help with my issue.  If I look at what permissions are assigned out of the box to the /content/campaigns folder I could see the following.  Do I need to add these groups to the user I'm attempting this operation with?

campaign-reader / jrc:read

campaign-remote / crx:replicate, rep:write, jcr:lockManagement

canvaspage-activate-service / jcr:read

targetservice / rep:write


Community Advisor

Is your user a system user with admin rights ?


Level 3

The system user I'm using is in a group, and that group has these permissions on the /content/campaigns/cms path: read/modify/create/delete/replicate.


Community Advisor

Can you add that user to the administrators group also (The OOTB group ). I think he/she should have Read and Edit ACL permissions also I guess.





Level 3

This group of users shouldn't have administrators rights.  The target documentation mentions some steps when implementing target and I tried adding the target-activity-authors group to my group but it still didn't work.

https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/administer/integration/marketing-cloud/target/target-requirem... the Activity Settings Node


Level 10

kautuksahni​ - what are your thoughts from a Target perspective?


Level 3

I take that back, adding the target-activity-authors group to the group I'm testing with did allow it to work. 



Hi Scott,

Member in "target-activity-authors" group should work.

And To use the targeting process, you must be a member of the Target Activity Authors user group.

Link:- https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-3/author/personalization/content-targeting-touch.html#The Targeting Process: Create, Target, and Goals & Settings


Kautuk Sahni