It appears that the AEM Server is not able to recognize that the originating request was SSL and hence mapping it incorrectly leading to HTTP 404.
To further qualify and resolve this issue, please verify that
- Match the SSL Filter settings to those expected from the entity where SSL is terminated. You can check these values forwarded in the dispatcher.log file and make sure they match to those of the SSL Filter. Any mismatch can lead to this issue. For example, if the X-FORWARDED-SSL header value "on" was coming in through the dispatcher, the value in the SSL Filter would have to be configured to the same values. Other known values are 'X-Forwarded-Proto' (Amazon ELB), 'X-Forwarded-Protocol' (alternative), and 'Front-End-Https' (Microsoft IIS)
- If the version of SSL filter bundle is 1.0.8 or higher, there needs to be an extra header in order for the SSL Filter to recognize that the originating request was SSL. Please verify this header is set and passed along to AEM. In cases where SSL is terminated at the Web server, the following is required
1) In your Apache HTTPD configuration, set a new header using following information
At the bottom of the httpd.conf: RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "-1"
2) Then in your Dispatcher configuration, please allow the header in /clientheaders section to be passed onto AEM. If the clientheaders section is set to allow all, then nothing needs to be done but if not, you can add the following to the list of headers
In the dispatcher.any/clientheaders.any: "X-Forwarded-Port"
If the Issue still persists after verifying the above, please log a support ticket.