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HTML Template Language component that uses a Multi-Field dialog


Level 2

Hi All,

I am trying to get hands dirty on making components using touch UI and was following the article at https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/mf_htl61.html

Can you please let me know if nested-multifield.js is a must and why. also high level what it is trying to do?



4 Replies


Level 10

Hi NBertie

You need the nested-multifield.js. That is the js where all the functionality of the multifield is written.


@squid267 - Make sure you dont have this js anywhere else already !


Level 2

Thanks Lokesh. so is that one js that serves it all? meaning for any multifield that we built for our clients in touch UI, we can use this JS OOTB? or do we need to do any customization?

also do these touch UI work in classic  mode or do we have to always have "cq:dialog" node separate and maintain two codes. Like if any changes we have to make changes at both side.




Level 4

bsloki wrote...

Hi NBertie

You need the nested-multifield.js. That is the js where all the functionality of the multifield is written.


@squid267 - Make sure you dont have this js anywhere else already !



Hmm I installed it via the package just to try. I spun up a AEM 6.2 instance with samplecontent and installed the package. The dialog works now. What is different between nosamplecontent and samplecontent run modes that breaks the dialog? Maybe permissions?


Level 2

Hi Lokesh,

I saw that the value is being stored as a json object of all the fields in each multifield group. However what if we don't want to force to store JSON? I want each of those fields to be stored as an individual array. Example if field1 and field2 are forming a multifield, then in crx I want it to be saved as field1 -- > field1Val1,field1Val1 & field2 -- > field2Val1,field2Val1

if i remove the inclusion of that js, then i see in backend it gets saved I said above but then the authoring interface does not show the value when you next open it with saved values, it shows blank.

