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How to sync with non-traditional editor


Level 2

I know that adobe directs people to use brackets and eclipse for development, but I want to use my own editor.

I am trying to use emacs and am having a problem syncing to aem instance.

I found aem-sync and aem-front (which uses aem-sync) to sync my front end code to aem instance. This works perfectly for the front end.

Now I am trying to do the same thing with the backend (core module).  I have not found a way to do this.

Does anyone have a way to sync the core module (preferably using a tool in the command line)  so I could develop in my chosen editor.

1 Reply


Level 10

I am not aware of using the AEM DEV tool with a Java IDE other than Eclipse or IntelliJ. I would recommend to you to use either of these 2 tools.

See this doc to learn how to create an AEM Project by using the supported tools:

Getting Started with AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial