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How to create Experience Fragments Template?


Level 5

Hello Everyone,

Is there any tutorial or any documentation on how to create an Experience Fragments template as in the following screenshot. (Those are given Templates to use in order to create an experience fragments). If we want to create our own project specific templates how to create it? Can anyone point me in right direction to achieve this?

Like Editable templates, can we create a multiple Experience Fragments Templates or just we use only one?

Screen Shot 2018-11-08 at 11.02.57 AM.png



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

You can create XF template similar to page template and add new template in cq:allowedTemplates property at /content/experience-fragments

Arun Patidar

View solution in original post

14 Replies


Level 10

It it is the cq:allowedTemplates property on /content/experience-fragments node that drives the availability of XF variations:


Level 10

But there really is no benefit to creating custom ones. I recommend choosing a default one.


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

You can create XF template similar to page template and add new template in cq:allowedTemplates property at /content/experience-fragments

Arun Patidar


Level 5

Hi Arun,

If we do like that we would see our newly created template under Experience Fragments from the Global Navigation and it would act as a normal editable template. But when we look at the We-Retail project it has following changes as well. 1. xfPage page component and they did changed the sling:resourceType pointing to xfPage page component.

xfpage, resourcetype.png

Then only we would see this Variation icon.

Variations option.png

Add to your point, I think after creating the normal editable template using empty-page template type, then allowing this path under /content/experience-fragments allowedTeplate property we also need to do these 2 changes as well I think. If you have any idea about this?.


Community Advisor

Actually page component for XF should have cq/experience-fragments/components/xfpage super type to enabled XF editor features similar like wcm page component.

Arun Patidar


Level 5

yeah, I am also trying to say here is the same. we have to consider these things also for XF in addition to just adding cq:allowedTemplates property at /content/experience-fragments


Level 1

Hi Chirran,

Can you please let me know what are the 2 additional changes you are referring to here.

One is adding superType as cq/experience-fragments/components/xfpage to the page component of my editable component.

What is the second change?


Level 5

Step1: We need to create a separate template for Experience fragments under "conf" folder and adding superType as cq/experience-fragments/components/xfpage do necessary changes ... (in our case we overlay xfpage component did some changes as per our requirement). like how we-retail project did as shown in the bellow screenshot.



  1. Browse to /content/experience-fragments
  2. Add your project Experience Fragment template path (/conf/example-project/settings/wcm/templates/experience-fragment(.*)?) to cq:allowedTemplates property under /content/experience-fragments as shown in the screenshot below:


These 2 changes would be enough

After that you can browse here and you can create experience fragment by selecting experience fragment template.



Level 2

Thanks chirran414, this worked for me.

A small addition, it may be obvious for some but took me a while to realise. Is important that said template status is enabled and not in draft


Level 3

Hi @arunpatidar  can we able to create Experience Fragements using a static template and add that Xf to a page created using static template?.




Community Advisor
yes you can do that

Arun Patidar


Level 2

Hi Arun,
We have a component that calls a web service to get some data.  It is working fine if added directly on a page but needs a hard refresh to appear in author mode if added on the page via XF.  I contacted daycare, they gave me the below link saying that XF is supported only with editable templates and not static ones.  We had our upgrade done by ACS but no one mentioned it and we have been using XF with static templates without any issues for a long time until I discovered this issue.


"Only editable templates are supported for Experience Fragments."

Does it mean XF should be based on an editable template or XF should be used on pages built based on an editable template?  Any advice/comment from anyone else.


Community Advisor


If you are moving to AEMaaCS, then you have to move to editable template.

The migration Tool is here - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/migration-journey/r... 

Arun Patidar


Level 2

Thanks, Arun, not moving to AEMaaCS as of now.  We had no issues using XF with static templates except in this case that I mentioned above.  So, my question was around has this always been the case, or has some SP/hot fix, etc caused it recently. 

