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How can I, integrate Progressive Web App (PWA) in AEM?


Level 1

Currently i am facing a problem, while integrating PWA in AEM.

I have created node structure like this,

ask q1.png

currently i am using AEM 6.2 for this.

4 Replies


Level 10

Please point the AEM community to the documentation that you are following, I am not familiar with this use case.


Level 10

Hi Subhankarn,

Basically AEM is built using OSGi, HTL components and Sling Principals but not with a  Progressive Web Application framework.(PWA)

Also, I see that, you are creating pwa component in Structure - It always must be page level components.


Ratna Kumar.


Level 10

Agree with Kautuk - AEM is used by building templates (in newer versions of AEM - editable templates are the preferred way), component built with HTL and OSGi back-end services, I have never seen mention that AEM sites can be built with PWA. If you are following online docs - please let us know.



We do not have any implementation OOTB as of now with PWA.

You may try:- https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/


Kautuk Sahni