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How can I delete a namespace created in CRX?



I used the interface located at: http://localhost:4502/crx/explorer/ui/namespace_editor.jsp to create a new namespace.

That interface doesn't seem to allow for modification or removal of a namespace once created.  I used CRXDElite to search for my namespace in the repository and couldn't find it.

How can I delete or modify a namespace I've created in CRX?

Thank you, 

Lee Klement

7 Replies


Level 1

Follow the below steps :

1) Login to here : <ip>:<port>/crx/explorer/browser/index.jsp (Content Explorer)

2) Go to this path : /jcr:system/rep:namespaces

3) Search for the namespaces you want to delete in the properties – and then delete.

4) Save All.

Check in Namespaces - and the NS deleted should not be there. No restart required.

- Satya Muddala




Thank you!  This was a great help, but it doesn't quite work.  (Testing now in AEM 6.2)

You gave me a great lead that the namespace data is stored at /jcr:system/rep:namespaces/rep:nsdata

BUT, it doesn't appear that it can be deleted.

In CRX Explorer or CRXDE Lite you can delete it but when you refresh it is still there.  CRXDE Lite throws an error:

Could not save changes. Received 409 (Conflict) for saving changes in workspace crx.default.
OakNamespace0005: Namespace modification not allowed: rep:nsdata

So, the question remains unanswered.



Level 10

Have you tried deleting using the JCR API? 




No.  I am working on this for an Adobe AEM Assets class and I am trying to avoid custom Java code for the class.

Have you done that?  I see that the JCR Java API has methods for it but I haven't tried it out.


Community Advisor

Thanks satyamuddala​. Just tried your suggestion on AEM 6.5 SP2. It worked !!!

Aanchal Sikka


Level 5

Namespace should be stored under crx-quickstart/repository/repository in file system (Restart may require). You can also remove namespace using API http://www.day.com/specs/jcr/1.0/7.2_Adding_and_Deleting_Namespaces.html





Thank you.  I think that was true for earlier versions of Jackrabbit / CRX, but not for Jackrabbit Oak / CRX 3.

They are now stored in the repository under jcr:system at:




But they don't seem to be editable in CRXDE Lite or CRX Content Explorer.