I am using AEM GQL API and want to fetch the image document's metadata like title and description?
Currently my query looks like this:
I don't see any way to get article title and description. Can someone help me understand how can I fetch the same?
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Hi @spidey1405,
Please refer this:
{ adventureList { items { _path, _metadata { stringMetadata { name, value } stringArrayMetadata { name, value } intMetadata { name, value } intArrayMetadata { name, value } floatMetadata { name, value } floatArrayMetadata { name, value } booleanMetadata { name, value } booleanArrayMetadata { name, value } calendarMetadata { name, value } calendarArrayMetadata { name, value } } } } }
Hope that helps!
Hi Santosh this is only for the metadata associated with that whole content fragment and not exactly the image asset.
@spidey1405 There is no OOTB way to extract Image Ref Metadata out of a Content Fragment Query.
These are the only attributes available for Image Reference:
I believe a custom solution needs to be designed for such cases.
Hmm so through GQL Query we cannot do that unless we introduce some customization in source code? What customisation are you talking about?