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Getting the multifield iteration occurrence


Level 7

Hi Team,


I'm working on a requirement where nested multifields should be there. So I came up with an approach there I haven't used any js to retrieve nested multifields values. But now I want to get the iteration number(occurrence) for parent multifield. I will put the sample code and will show at where I want to take the iteration number. Any help would be appreciated.


<sly data-sly-list-firstmultifield="${resource.getChildren}">

   <sly data-sly-test="${firstmultifield.name=='item1'}">

      <sly data-sly-list-firstMenuItems="${firstmultifield.getChildren}">

           //here need to get the iteration number  (like first iteration,second iteration something like itemList.count) of multifield named item 1

        <sly data-sly-list-seconmultifield = "${firstMenuItems.getChildren}">

            <sly data-sly-test="${seconmultifield .name=='item2'}">

                 <sly data-sly-list-secondMenuItems="${seconmultifield .getChildren}">

                       //here need to get the iteration number of multifield named item 2








1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi @JakeCham,

It should be the list Identifier name (in this case, you have used firstMenuItems and secondMenuItems) followed by the term "List". Example below for clarity


<dl data-sly-list.firstMenuItems="${currentPage.listChildren}">
    <dt>index: ${firstMenuItemsList.index}</dt>
    <dd>value: ${firstMenuItems.title}</dd> // any property part of the list item.

If we aren't using any, default variable to access the index and individual item is itemList and item respectively


<dl data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}">
    <dt>index: ${itemList.index}</dt>
    <dd>value: ${item.title}</dd>


View solution in original post

7 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @JakeCham 


For iterration number you can use 


<sly data-sly-list-firstMenuItems="${firstmultifield.getChildren}">

to get the iteration number of multifield named item 2

 <sly data-sly-list-secondMenuItems="${seconmultifield .getChildren}">
            <sly data-sly-test="${itemList.index == 2}" data-sly-unwrap>
                <p> ${itemList.index}</p>



Level 7

Hi @MayurSatav ,

Thanks for the  reply. I have checked this but it is not working. Have you tried this ?



Community Advisor

Hi @JakeCham 


Yes i checked actually instead of list name use itemList.

I have already updated the answer


Level 7

Hi @MayurSatav 

  I tried that but still not working. Have you tried the same scenario ?



Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi @JakeCham,

It should be the list Identifier name (in this case, you have used firstMenuItems and secondMenuItems) followed by the term "List". Example below for clarity


<dl data-sly-list.firstMenuItems="${currentPage.listChildren}">
    <dt>index: ${firstMenuItemsList.index}</dt>
    <dd>value: ${firstMenuItems.title}</dd> // any property part of the list item.

If we aren't using any, default variable to access the index and individual item is itemList and item respectively


<dl data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}">
    <dt>index: ${itemList.index}</dt>
    <dd>value: ${item.title}</dd>



Level 7

Hi @Vijayalakshmi_S 


Thanks a lot for the explanation.



Community Advisor

Hi @JakeCham,


It is always suggested to write the above code in sling models and fetch the values from there.


Check my blog here: https://allaembykiran.wordpress.com/2021/01/13/nested-multi-field/


Hope this helps!



Kiran Vedantam.