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Getting Started with AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial


Level 10

Found this interesting tutorial for someone who wants to get started with a project covering HTL, Sling Model, Touch UI, Core Components, Editable Templates

A multi-part tutorial designed for developers new to AEM. Walks through the implementation of an AEM site for a fictitious lifestyle brand the WKND. Covers fundamental topics like project setup, Core Components, editable templates, client libraries and component development.


Adobe Experience Manager Help | Getting Started with AEM Sites - WKND Tutorial

Hope it helps...

8 Replies



This is really a wonderful content to start with AEM. Thanks for sharing!!

Kautuk Sahni


Level 10


This is a wonderful tutorial because, it follows the latest design/coding standards and also for every part the deployable package is provided..

However, I have the following comments/requests:

1. I believe Windows is the most widely used OS and so Windows based instructions will be more useful.

End of the day, we do not want people to spend a lot of time, searching for equivalent commands on different OSes, which is counter productive.

2. I think that the testing instructions should be more elaborate.

For example, If I install Part-5 (the final part) directly, what to test and how to test is not obvious.

3. Also installing Part-5 alone may not suffice, as there may be other dependencies like Eclipse, Maven and Lazybones.

So, kindly suggest what all to install to complete Part-5.

4. I would request to include the following features in the upcoming releases:

a. LDAP Integration.

b. CUG based access control

c. Personalization on AEM alone, not using Target.

d. Invoking a RESTful web service and populating a grid.

e. Using Importer functionality to periodically fetch some data and storing in JCR.

f. Store Locator functionality, by integrating with Google Maps.

I do not have any doubt that this is going to be one of the best reference AEM implementations.




Level 10

Most of your comments here - we have HELPX articles:

I would request to include the following features in the upcoming releases:

a. LDAP Integration -- Adobe Experience Manager Help | Configuring Adobe Experience Manager 6 to use Apache Directory Servi...

b. CUG based access control - can be found in the AEM Docs.

c. Personalization on AEM alone, not using Target. - we show that using Context HUB - Using the Adobe Experience Manager ContextHub to work with Personal Experiences (also show use with Target - Creating Personal Experiences using Experience Manager and Adobe Target )

d. Invoking a RESTful web service and populating a grid. (We have many artilces on AEM and WEB SERVICEs - both SOAP based and RESTFUL - (SOAP - Creating an Experience Manager 6.3 HTL Component that displays data from a SOAP Web Service)

Restful -- Creating an Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 HTL Component that displays data from a Restful Web Service

e. Using Importer functionality to periodically fetch some data and storing in JCR. (We have an older article on importing: Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating Custom Data Importer Services for Adobe Experience Manager

f. Store Locator functionality, by integrating with Google Maps. - older article on how to get GOOGLE MAPS into AEM -- Adobe Experience Manager Help | Integrating custom Adobe Experience Manager Component with third-par...


Level 10

Hi Scott,

I agree that all these functionalities are available independently.

But, since WKND is being developed in to a near real life site, I requested to incorporate these functionalities in itself as well.

I also request to address my first three points.

Thanks to this forum, I am able to enhance my knowledge heavily.




Level 10

Thank you for the feedback. We work hard at getting AEM examples with community input that work and tested by AEM community super users.


Level 10

We have that article listed too in the 2017 HELPX Articles.

Listing of 2017 HELPX Community Articles (Updated Nov 17)


Level 1


This is a very helping tutorial, Thanks for sharing!

However, I have one doubt i.e:

While creating the project using lazybones, following this article https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kt/sites/using/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/part... there is an input that we need to give: Use New Module Naming Convention , what are these naming conventions ?




Employee Advisor

Hi Madiha,

IIRC a common convention in CQ development pre 6.x was to name the maven module content -> for htl, jsp, CSS/JS, etc... and bundle for OSGi/Java code. Since we now refer to content as page content it was confusing. The new convention is ui.apps -> for htl, CSS/JS, configs and core for OSGi/Java code.


Use New Module Naming Convention = use ui.apps and core for the name of the maven modules