Getting the error under build image in the pipeline execution.
Ran the local cloud validator and it does not show any error:
2022/07/04 15:04:24 /tmp/dispatcher/unzippedConfiguration: unable to find any farm in 'conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms'
The command '/bin/sh -c AZCOPY="/usr/bin/azcopy" VALIDATOR_BINARY="/usr/bin/dispatcher-configuration-validator" HTTPD_BINARY="/usr/sbin/httpd" DISPATCHER_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION=$dispatcherConfigurationLocation DISPATCHER_CONFIGURATION_DESTINATION=$dispatcherConfigurationDestination DISPATCHER_IMAGE=$dispatcherImage RUN_MODE=$runmode ./' returned a non-zero code: 2
2022/07/04 15:04:24 Container failed during run: validate-dispatcher. No retries remaining.
failed to run step ID: validate-dispatcher: exit status 2
I have checked the farm file as well and there is the entry within it. PFB:
# This is the default publish farm definition for the dispatcher module.
# DO NOT EDIT this file, your changes will have no impact on your deployment.
# Instead create a copy in the folder conf.dispatcher.d/available_farms and edit the copy.
# Finally, change to the directory conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms, remove the symbolic
# link for default_farm.any and create a symbolic link to your copy.
/publishfarm {
# client headers which should be passed through to the render instances
# (feature supported since dispatcher build
/clientheaders {
$include "../clientheaders/clientheaders.any"
# hostname globbing for farm selection (virtual domain addressing)
/virtualhosts {
$include "../virtualhosts/virtualhosts.any"
# the load will be balanced among these render instances
/renders {
$include "../renders/default_renders.any"
# only handle the requests in the following acl. default is 'none'
# the glob pattern is matched against the first request line
/filter {
$include "../filters/filters.any"
# if the package is installed on publishers to generate a list of all content with a vanityurl attached
# this section will auto-allow the items to bypass the normal dispatcher filters
# Reference:
# /vanity_urls {
# /url "/libs/granite/dispatcher/content/vanityUrls.html"
# /file "/tmp/vanity_urls"
# /delay 300
# }
# allow propagation of replication posts (should seldomly be used)
/propagateSyndPost "0"
# the cache is used to store requests from the renders for faster delivery
# for a second time.
/cache {
# The cacheroot must be equal to the document root of the webserver
/docroot "${DOCROOT}"
# sets the level upto which files named ".stat" will be created in the
# document root of the webserver. when an activation request for some
# handle is received, only files within the same subtree are affected
# by the invalidation.
/statfileslevel "2"
# caches also authorized data
/allowAuthorized "0"
# Flag indicating whether the dispatcher should serve stale content if
# no remote server is available.
/serveStaleOnError "1"
# the rules define, which pages should be cached. please note that
# - only GET requests are cached
# - only requests with an extension are cached
# - only requests without query parameters ( ? ) are cached
# - only unauthorized pages are cached unless allowUnauthorized is set to 1
/rules {
$include "../cache/rules.any"
# the invalidate section defines those pages which are 'invalidated' after
# any activation. please note that, the activated page itself and all
# related documents are flushed on an modification. for example: if the
# page /foo/bar is activated, all /foo/bar.* files are removed from the
# cache.
/invalidate {
/0000 {
/glob "*"
/type "deny"
/0001 {
/glob "*.html"
/type "allow"
# to ensure that AEM forms HTMLs are not auto-invalidated due to invalidation of any other resource. It is supposed to be deleted only after its own activation.
/glob "/content/forms/**/*.html"
/type "deny"
/allowedClients {
$include "../cache/default_invalidate.any"
# The ignoreUrlParams section contains query string parameter names that
# should be ignored when determining whether some request's output can be
# cached or delivered from cache.
# In this example configuration, the "q" parameter will be ignored.
# /ignoreUrlParams {
# /0001 { /glob "*" /type "deny" }
# /0002 { /glob "q" /type "allow" }
# }
# Cache response headers next to a cached file. On the first request to
# an uncached resource, all headers matching one of the values found here
# are stored in a separate file, next to the cache file. On subsequent
# requests to the cached resource, the stored headers are added to the
# response.
# Note, that file globbing characters are not allowed here.
/headers {
# A grace period defines the number of seconds a stale, auto-invalidated
# resource may still be served from the cache after the last activation
# occurring. Auto-invalidated resources are invalidated by any activation,
# when their path matches the /invalidate section above. This setting
# can be used in a setup, where a batch of activations would otherwise
# repeatedly invalidate the entire cache.
/gracePeriod "2"
# Enable TTL evaluates the response headers from the backend, and if they
# contain a Cache-Control max-age or Expires date, an auxiliary, empty file
# next to the cache file is created, with modification time equal to the
# expiry date. When the cache file is requested past the modification time
# it is automatically re-requested from the backend.
/enableTTL "1"
Any suggestions?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Total Likes
Thanks for the response @Gucci-Paull-108. The symlink issue got fixed with teh Wins Subsytem.
But the build is still failing, but no error seen in the buildimage logs.
@jalaja @Gucci-Paull-108 Can you help here, what could have gone wrong. PFB for the buildimage log snippet
Successfully built 427b7d8f291c
Successfully tagged
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Successfully executed container: validate-dispatcher
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Step ID: create-dockerfile marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 0.564543)
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Step ID: prefetch-images marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 3.623359)
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Populating digests for step ID: prefetch-images...
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Successfully populated digests for step ID: prefetch-images
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Step ID: validate-dispatcher marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 18.040090)
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Populating digests for step ID: validate-dispatcher...
2022/07/06 11:38:34 Successfully populated digests for step ID: validate-dispatcher
2022/07/06 11:38:34 The following dependencies were found:
2022/07/06 11:38:34
- image:
repository: preload
tag: ca24wfq
repository: aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish
tag: 2.0.104
digest: sha256:efcf9d49375278eeb3c7ef61b4a762b0fca796770d4905c2c622938fb3d9b80d
git: {}
- image:
repository: dispatcher-validation
tag: ca24wfq
repository: aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish
tag: 2.0.104
digest: sha256:efcf9d49375278eeb3c7ef61b4a762b0fca796770d4905c2c622938fb3d9b80d
git: {}
Run ID: ca24wfq was successful after 28s
unable to find any farm in conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms
Your enabled farms should be located in the mentioned subfolder.
file included (…) must be named: …
There are two sections in your farm configuration that must include a
specific file: /renders and /allowedClients in the /cache section. Those
sections must look as follows:
/renders { $include "../renders/default_renders.any" }
/allowedClients { $include "../cache/default_invalidate.any" }
Refer for more information it has complete information about this issue:
@tusharbias I checked about the points mentioned in the thread above. Everything is already there as per the documentation.
@ShaileshBassi Could you please try below steps to resolve the dispatcher error 'unable to find any farm in 'conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms':
1. On the project directory, go to folder /dispatcher/src/conf.dispatcher.d/available_farms/ and locate a file called
2. Delete the content in at location /dispatchersrc/conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/ and replace with '../available_farms/'.
Run the pipeline again.
@jalaja I have already executed the below steps:
mklink "<file-location>\dispatcher\src\conf.dispatcher.d\enabled_farms\" "<file-location>\dispatcher\src\conf.dispatcher.d\available_farms\"
And then ran the pipeline.
Right now, what I could sense from some of the links that it creates the problems which the symlinks are created from the windows machine. Is that true?
For knowledge share, a symbolic link only works in a *nix based file system. The link gets committed back to Source Control. To create this type of link on a MS Windows O/S, you need to use the Wins Subsystem for Linux add-on for Wins v10 [0]. Wins shortcuts/links do not function in the Dispatcher container, and are not supported in the GIT repository.
Thanks for the response @Gucci-Paull-108. The symlink issue got fixed with teh Wins Subsytem.
But the build is still failing, but no error seen in the buildimage logs.
@jalaja @Gucci-Paull-108 Can you help here, what could have gone wrong. PFB for the buildimage log snippet
Successfully built 427b7d8f291c
Successfully tagged
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Successfully executed container: validate-dispatcher
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Step ID: create-dockerfile marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 0.564543)
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Step ID: prefetch-images marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 3.623359)
2022/07/06 11:38:32 Populating digests for step ID: prefetch-images...
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Successfully populated digests for step ID: prefetch-images
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Step ID: validate-dispatcher marked as successful (elapsed time in seconds: 18.040090)
2022/07/06 11:38:33 Populating digests for step ID: validate-dispatcher...
2022/07/06 11:38:34 Successfully populated digests for step ID: validate-dispatcher
2022/07/06 11:38:34 The following dependencies were found:
2022/07/06 11:38:34
- image:
repository: preload
tag: ca24wfq
repository: aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish
tag: 2.0.104
digest: sha256:efcf9d49375278eeb3c7ef61b4a762b0fca796770d4905c2c622938fb3d9b80d
git: {}
- image:
repository: dispatcher-validation
tag: ca24wfq
repository: aem-ethos/dispatcher-publish
tag: 2.0.104
digest: sha256:efcf9d49375278eeb3c7ef61b4a762b0fca796770d4905c2c622938fb3d9b80d
git: {}
Run ID: ca24wfq was successful after 28s
Log a support case with us because a few other customers have reported this today too. Don't forget to include this forum thread URL in description field.