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Generating a PDF Document From an Adaptive Form Part II


Level 3

Here is a sample that renders an adaptive form, loads some information into a hidden field on the form via JSON to use as a timestamp and save location. Once the form submits, it will submit to a custom JSP that saves the data, generates a PDF, and then renders that PDF back to the user so they can sign or print this as a document of record.

Attached is the package. Below is the JSP to handle the custom submit

Dropbox - Return DOR Custom Submit.zip


    ~ Demo Sample: Gary Thain 01/12/2015

    ~ Returns a PDF DOR from Adaptive Form

    ~ Uses the data on the form to save Original data,

  ~ XDP data and generated PDF to CRX

    ~ Requires:

  a. User Mapper be set

  b. XDP is selected as Document of Record Template

    ~ Still need to add function so user has permissions to node

    ~ where PDF is saved. Currently only working with Admin permissions


<%@include file="/libs/fd/af/components/guidesglobal.jsp"%>

<%@page import="org.slf4j.Logger"%>

<%@page import="org.slf4j.LoggerFactory"%>

<%@page import="java.util.Calendar"%>

<%@page import="java.util.Map"%>

<%@page import="java.io.InputStream"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.sling.jcr.api.SlingRepository"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.sling.api.request.RequestParameter"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.sling.api.request.RequestParameterMap"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.sling.api.resource.ResourceUtil"%>

<%@page import="org.w3c.dom.Document"%>

<%@page import="javax.jcr.Session"%>

<%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder"%>

<%@page import="javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory"%>

<%@page import="org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.JcrUtils"%>

<%@page import="com.adobe.aemds.guide.utils.XMLUtils"%>

<%@page import="com.adobe.fd.output.api.OutputService"%>

<%@page import="com.adobe.fd.output.api.PDFOutputOptions"%>

<%@page import="com.adobe.aemds.guide.servlet.GuideSubmitServlet" %>

<%!private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());%>


  final String NODE_TYPE = "sling:Folder";


  final String XMLXDP_SAVE_LOCATION = "XMLDataLocXDP";

  final String PDF_SAVE_LOCATION = "PDFDataLoc";

  final String MIME_TYPE_XML = "text/xml";

  final String MIME_TYPE_PDF = "application/pdf";

  final String FOLDER_LOCATION = "/content/usergenerated/content/aemforms-training-demo1";

  final ValueMap valueMap = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(resource);

  String sPath1 = "content/usergenerated/content/";

  String sPath2 = "aemforms-training-demo1/";

  String xmlDataAF = "";

  String sRefID = "";

  String sUserID = "";

  String sSubmitID = "";

  String sTemplateXDP = "";

  Boolean bDebug = true;

  Document docXMLAF = null;

  Document docXMLPDF = null;

  Session adminSession = null;

  com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document docTemplate = null;

  com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document docXMLXDP = null;

  com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document docPDF = null;

  PDFOutputOptions pdfOptions = null;

  javax.jcr.Node nodeJCRRoot = null;

  javax.jcr.Node nodeJCRPath = null;

  javax.jcr.Node nodeSubmittedXML = null;

  javax.jcr.Node nodeXDPXDML = null;

  javax.jcr.Node nodePDF = null;

  Calendar calendarSubmitted = Calendar.getInstance();

  if (bDebug == true) {

  java.util.Iterator it = valueMap.entrySet().iterator();

  while (it.hasNext()) {

  Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry) it.next();

  log("ValueMap Key  " + pair.getKey() + " and value "+ pair.getValue());



  //Get access to the repository

  final SlingRepository repository = sling.getService(SlingRepository.class);

  adminSession = repository.loginService(null,repository.getDefaultWorkspace());

  nodeJCRRoot = adminSession.getRootNode();

  //Get DOR reference from submitted data and load into Adobe Document Object

  sTemplateXDP = (valueMap.get("dorTemplateRef").toString());

  docTemplate = new com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document(sTemplateXDP);

  //Read the submitted data and see what the Ref ID is. This will makeup the location to save this submissin

  if (slingRequest.getParameter("jcr:data") != null) {

  RequestParameterMap reqMap = slingRequest.getRequestParameterMap();

  RequestParameter reqData = reqMap.getValue("jcr:data");

  xmlDataAF = reqData.toString();

  InputStream inStreamOriginalXML = IOUtils.toInputStream(xmlDataAF, "UTF-8");

  DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();


  DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder();

  docXMLAF = docBuilder.parse(inStreamOriginalXML);


  sRefID = docXMLAF.getElementsByTagName("refID").item(0).getTextContent();

  if (sRefID != null) {

  String[] sArray = sRefID.split("/");

  sUserID = sArray[0];

  sSubmitID = sArray[1];



  //Adaptive Form data has additional stucture. Get just the XDP data and load into Adobe Document object

  String xmlDataXDP = XMLUtils.getBoundDataXmlPart(docXMLAF);

  InputStream inStreamXDPXML = IOUtils.toInputStream(xmlDataXDP,"UTF-8");

  docXMLXDP = new com.adobe.aemfd.docmanager.Document(inStreamXDPXML);

  if (bDebug == true) {



  //Set some PDF options and generate the PDF for the client

  pdfOptions = new PDFOutputOptions();



  OutputService outputService = sling.getService(OutputService.class);

  try {

  docPDF = outputService.generatePDFOutput(docTemplate,docXMLXDP, pdfOptions);

  } catch (Exception e) {

  log("ERROR : " + e.getMessage());


  //Store everything in CRX

  nodeJCRRoot = adminSession.getRootNode();

  nodeJCRPath = nodeJCRRoot.getNode(sPath1);

  nodeJCRPath = JcrUtils.getOrAddNode(nodeJCRPath, sPath2, NODE_TYPE);

  nodeJCRPath = JcrUtils.getOrAddNode(nodeJCRPath, sUserID, NODE_TYPE);

  nodeJCRPath = JcrUtils.getOrAddNode(nodeJCRPath, sSubmitID, NODE_TYPE);

  nodeSubmittedXML = JcrUtils.putFile(nodeJCRPath,XMLSUBMITTED_SAVE_LOCATION, MIME_TYPE_XML,IOUtils.toInputStream(xmlDataAF, "UTF-8"),calendarSubmitted);

  nodeXDPXDML = JcrUtils.putFile(nodeJCRPath, XMLXDP_SAVE_LOCATION,MIME_TYPE_XML, docXMLXDP.getInputStream(), calendarSubmitted);

  nodePDF = JcrUtils.putFile(nodeJCRPath, PDF_SAVE_LOCATION,MIME_TYPE_PDF, docPDF.getInputStream(), calendarSubmitted);


  //Use the GuideServlet Redirect function to send the browser to the new PDF

  GuideSubmitServlet.setRedirectUrl(slingRequest, nodePDF.getPath());



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